Tutorials: 12 Awesome Loom Band Charms Perfect as Fathers Day Gifts

Fathers Day Gifts Needn’t Be Expensive!
I’m sure that many of you will agree that often the memontos that mean the most to us, and the things that we hold onto because of their sentimental value, are usually not the most expensive things we own at all. They are usually things that remind us of special people, and special times in our lives. Which is why we think we may have come up with the perfect Fathers Day gift idea this year, that will mean something special to your children and to Dad…and we are guessing that the majority of you with Primary aged children, will have everything you need at home to bring that gift to life!
Loom bands are everywhere! Parents, grandparents, friends, even the rich and famous are seen daily sporting creations made from the coloured rubber bands.
Children take great pride in making loom band gifts for their loved ones.
According to a Wall Street Journal article, we shouldn’t be surprised that Dad’s are embracing the craze along with their children.
“Rainbow Loom was itself invented by a dad. Cheong Choon Ng, a father of two, came up with the product after struggling to keep up with his daughters in crafting projects. The loom allowed Mr. Ng’s adult-size fingers to stitch the colorful rubber bands together.
“There are no figures on what percentage of Rainbow Loom bracelets go to dads and grandfathers, but Mr. Ng said he often sees other men wearing them. The toy has fast become “wildly successful,” said Adrienne Appell, toy trend specialist at the Toy Industry Association in New York. It won that trade group’s Toy of the Year award in a number of categories this year. It embodies the burgeoning trend of retro toys that give kids a break from screen time, she said.”
“Today’s dads are a lot more hands on,” said Ms. Appell, explaining why the bracelets have caught on with guys who travel business class. “Families and children hold a very special place in their world and they’re not afraid to be open about it.”
So, we have scoured the internet to bring you…
12 Awesome Loom Band Charm Tutorials That Will Make Perfect Fathers Day Gifts.
Also at Mums Lounge
Tutorials: 12 Awesome Character Loom Band Charms
15 Awesome Loom Band Bracelet Tutorials