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Wednesday from the Wardrobe #3: Should it Stay or Should it Go?



Wednesday from the Wardrobe #3: Should it Stay, or Should it Go?

Yesterday I woke up with the 3rd day of having Mum-flu.  For those of you who don’t know what Mum-flu is, it maybe helpful to know that it also known colloquially as ‘suck-it-up Princess,’ and although it’s equally as debilitating as Man-flu, nobody gives a sh*t!  That’s right sista, you have to whack on your best big-girl undies and power on.

Luckily, it was my designated child-free day (also known as catching-up-on-the-housework-without-little-people-walking-behind-you-undoing-all-your-hard-work-day)  After dropping everyone off I had heavenly visions of crawling back into bed with a Lemsip and a good book.  But no sooner had I walked back in through the front foor, than I realized with horror my awful predicament.

You see, on Thursday I am flying to Adelaide for the Pregnancy, Baby and Children’s Expo.  Which is all a little bit exciting….until of course I remembered the small issue of a detoxed, almost empty wardrobe.

Eeeeek!  I have nothing to wear/pack!

So my plans changed somewhat, and an hour later (after folding up the laundry aka Mount Wash-more) I dragged myself off to the shopping centre.

So in keeping with my plans to explore different colours and patterns than my usual mono-coloured clothing choices I tend to go for I bought this stripey tunic in Target for $39.


But now I’m not so sure that the stripes are working for me?  I’d like to blame it on my 5 year old son’s camera skills with the iPhone, but he didn’t do a bad job of not cutting off my entire head, and it is definitely an improvement on the one he took of the cat licking its arse.  (Or so I’d like to think anyway).

I also picked up this grey jacket in Crossroads for $49.95…which I am digging…although it is a little unadveturous perhaps, and the weather forcast for Adelaide does not seem to warrant a jacket of any description.  Whoops!


I also managed to squeeze my booty into a noice pair of skinny jeans from JeansWest…cos you know, breathing is soo over-rated.  The very helpful sales assistant (who was clearly suffering from a severe case of ‘OMG-it’s-a-real-life-customer-I-mean-someone-NOT-buying-online-got-to-make-a-sale!) convinced me that I should buy a size smaller as they can ‘give’ up to a size after being washed.  I am hoping that this is actually true, since I don’t think they will consider a refund an option after they have been washed.  But on a more positive note, they come with a lifetime guarantee, so if I do manage to pop the button clean off or split the arse diagonally down the seam (don’t HAS happened!) I can take them back!

Perhaps a photo comparison of the jeans before and after the wash might be an idea.  Hmmmm….

I also purchased a ‘Condom Dress’ online from Seeds Heritage after reading this hilarious post by Mrs Woog of Woogsworld fame.  You have to click it now, right, just to satisfy your curiosity about what a comdom dress is.  It looks better than it sounds!  Unfortunately though, due to Monday being a public holiday here in Victoria, my much awaitied little parcel is yet to arrive. 

Anyhoo…that was my Wednesday from the Wardrobe adventure.  If you are in Adelaide this weekend, and do come to the Expo, please stop by and say hi!  And, there is still time…so tell me…PLEASE…would you advise packing the stripey Target tunic top…or taking it back for swapsies?



Jolene enjoys writing, sharing and connecting with other like-minded women online – it also gives her the perfect excuse to ignore Mount-Washmore until it threatens to bury her family in an avalanche of Skylander T-shirts and Frozen Pyjama pants. (No one ever knows where the matching top is!) Likes: Reading, cooking, sketching, dancing (preferably with a Sav Blanc in one hand), social media, and sitting down on a toilet seat that one of her children hasn’t dripped, splashed or sprayed on. Dislikes: Writing pretentious crap about herself in online bio’s and refereeing arguments amongst her offspring.