You are NOT Alone: Motherhood Stress, Anxiety, Depression.

If we are to believe the glossy magazines and nappy adverts, motherhood is the most magical time of your life. It’s all about snuggling in crisp white sheets, resounding giggles and heart-stopping cuteness, all with the faint scent of talc hanging in the air, right?
Whilst, undoubtedly some women do seem to fit and slip effortlessly into the perfect mother stereotype, for many women the realities of motherhood are not so rosy. Let’s face it, motherhood, presents us with a myriad of challenges. At each age and stage of our child’s development we are presented with new hurdles and challenges, and without the benefit of past experience to draw on, we are all learning on the job. Is it any wonder than many of us can at times feel overwhelmed or consumed by our role as mother? It’s a tough gig, and one that many of us feel we should just be able to do better, or enjoy more.
Many situations, or a combination of many things can lead mums into the pitfall of feelings of failure. Difficulties with breastfeeding, having a traumatic birth or one that did not turn out as expected, having an unsettled baby, relationship issues etc. are all stress factors which may contribute to the on start of post-partum depression. The cycle begins. We feel like we should be doing things better – we feel angry about our situation – we feel guilt for feeling angry and we self-criticise, and all this can occur in the backdrop of simultaneously loving and hating motherhood.
Jackie Hall, author of ‘The Happy Mums Handbook,’ and founder of the post-partum depression recovery program is holding a FREE webinar on Tuesday 14th February at 8.30pm AEST to teach mums her simple, easy to remember 5 step process so you can begin to enjoy motherhood. Whether you are the mum of a newborn, or of a teenager, Jackie will help you say goodbye to those negative feelings and help you to stop feeling angry, stressed, sad, down, lonely or depressed.
You will leave this FREE webinar knowing the exact cause of your stress (and this bit might suprise you), but more importantly what you can do to change it.
So, if you can identify with the feeling discussed above, make this date in the calendar for yourself. Make this the turning point in your life and take back the reins of your own life. Jackie is as dedicated as she is passionate about helping mums to regain a healthy mindset, and she answers ALL questions that are put to her during the FREE webinar.
If you are a newbie at webinars, don’t be put off – it really is very simple. After registering you will be given a link – all you do is click this link at 8.30pm AEST (Melbourne time) on Tuesday 14th February and you’ll be there (in your PJ’s or with a glass of wine if you like!)
This may be just the ‘me-time’ that you need and deserve.
I hope to see you there.
p.s.And please let her know that Jolene from Mum’s Lounge sent you! x