Airline Passenger’s In-Flight Behaviour Called ‘Inconsiderate’ and ‘Disgusting!’

Airline Passenger’s In-Flight Behaviour Called ‘Inconsiderate’ and ‘Disgusting!’
A photo of an airline passenger has gone viral with many calling her behaviour disgusting and unacceptable. Surprisingly though, some have defended her actions saying it’s no big deal. What do you think, is it?
Paul from the UK, took the photo while he was travelling and shared it to his Twitter. It showed a woman with her feet, shoes on, resting on the headrest of the passenger in front of her. “The person next to me on my flight,” he wrote alongside the pic.
While Paul was grossed out but her actions, he says surprisingly the passenger in front didn’t react at all.
“I was expecting the poor sod in front to say something but she was like this for about an hour,” Paul said.
“Amazingly he remained asleep throughout.”
Commenters on Twitter were quick to call out the inappropriateness of her behaviour.
“Never ever stick feet or shoes in the close proximity of another person’s head/face. That is a universal sign of disrespect. I don’t know any culture on this planet that would be okay with this,” one said.
Another added: “Awful, total lack of consideration.This is setting my passive aggressiveness right off.”
The photo seemed to trigger a lot of bad memories for social media users who shared their own in-flight horror stories.
“I had someone like her on my last flight. She started to sit cross legged. I told her to put her feet down, she had a foot on my seat. She gave me a dirty look and no apology but put her feet down. I get that long flights are uncomfortable but what is with some people,” one woman said.
While another added: “Similar behaviour towards my four-year-old son by a woman seated behind him on our flight. She perched her feet on his hand rest and they were touching him. I asked her politely to take her feet off to which she was reluctant, then I had to snap at her.”
When someone tried to defend the woman by saying: “Is she really harming anyone,” Paul quickly responded with, “Allow me to put my feet on your head and ask me again.”
Hahaha! Yes, good point! What do you think?
Images: Twitter and Pixabay