This Baby Has a Longer Daily Hair Routine Than All of Us

This Baby Has a Longer Daily Hair Routine Than All of Us
So, just a quick question — how long does it take you to do your hair each day?
Are you a fan of the messy mum bun? Or do you wash and straighten it one day and then hope for the best over the next few days, spritzing with dry shampoo as necessary? Do you chuck it in a ponytail and be done with it? Maybe you happily wash and dry your locks each day, styling your hair carefully and on trend? (Hey, you go girlfriend, more power to you!)
In any case, there is a very good chance that it doesn’t take you two and a half hours to do your hair each day, right?
Come on, we’re busy mums. We’ve got shit to do. Ain’t nobody got time fo dat.
Well, there is one mum who spends two and a half hours each day on a hair routine, but not for herself — for her ten week old baby!
Little Amelia was born with a full head of hair, much to the delight of her mum, Kayleigh Marsh, who’s older child was born bald. Hands up if you ever used sticky tape to attach bows to your baldy daughter’s head so people at the shops wouldn’t think she was a little boy?
Okay, so she doesn’t spend the full two hours actually tending to her daughter’s hair, she leaves in a treatment to soften her daughter’s cradle cap. But the entire daily process takes two and a half hours to complete. And little Amelia just loves it.
Kayleigh and Amelia appeared on an UK morning show, demonstrating and explaining their daily routine, much to the delight of everyone.
Seriously, watching this tiny baby have her hair dried is one of the cutest things ever.
I remember when my youngest was little. She walked around looking like Russell Brand for a full two years until I got her hair under control.
You think I’m kidding.

The end result for baby Amelia is just too adorable for words. Much better than my non-effort with my daughter. (She has very nice hair now, I can assure you.)
And she slept through the whole thing! What a gorgeous little doll.
Nicely done, Kayleigh!
Watch the full video here:
Images: Giphy and Youtube