Babysitter Put on Blast for Posting Photos of Children Without Parent’s Consent

Babysitter Put on Blast for Posting Photos of Children Without Parent’s Consent
A babysitter says she did nothing wrong by posting photos online of the children she looks after. In fact she claims that the one who’s wrong is the father as he follows her on social media. She says it’s creepy and wrong. What do you think?
The babysitter recorded the exchange between her and the dad as evidence of his ‘over-reaction’ and now the video is up on the account @itsgone viral.
Here’s what was said: “You shouldn’t be posting photos of my children on Instagram.”
“She looks really cute in it.”
“She does look really cute but why are you putting it on public? Anyone could be looking at her.”
This is when the sitter reassures him by saying it’s “just her face,” and says it doesn’t include where they live or any other distinguishing aspects.
“It’s my child,” the dad repeats.
The sitter then tries to deflect from the issue by accusing the dad of being a creep for following a 16 year old like her. “Why are you even following me?” she asks.
“You don’t follow your babysitter, that’s weird,” she says.
“Well I do follow my babysitter and it’s just as well I am. We’re not paying you until you remove the photo.”
“Well, I’ll just stay here until you do,” the teen answers. “Why have you even got Instagram?”
The dad persists asking her to please take down the photo, he promises to pay her as soon as she does. Short of begging, the dad is lost for what to do next. People in the comments section were 100 percent on his side..
“I follow my babysitter, I need to know who I have watching my kids,” said one person.
“That’s his kid! He has the right to tell you to not post pics of his kid! Babysitter is def gaslighting him and she is in the wrong,” added another.
“The worst part is that she didn’t even ask and then she is shaking him down after a reasonable request,” one wrote.
“Maybe he follows the babysitter so he knows more about who he is leaving his child with????”
“She’s so entitled. She needs a reality check,” said one commenter.
Do you agree?