Barber Offers Free Haircuts to Children If They Read to Him

A barber in Iowa is helping kids with their reading by asking them to read a book while he cuts their hair.
Two weeks ago, Courtney Holmes of Sparks Family Hair Salon offered free haircuts to kids who agreed to read him a book. He is passionate about supporting kids with their reading and set up a booth at the community’s second annual Back to School Bash.
Holmes told the USA Today, “The kids would come in, and I would say, ‘Go to the table and get a book you might like, and if you can’t read it, I’ll help you understand and we can read it together.”
The range of kids that took up the offer was kindergarteners to fifth grade students. The community responded positively to Holme’s endeavor, with one woman admitting it was a hassle-free way to get her nephews hair cut and they loved it.
More than 100 free cuts were given away at the community event, and Holmes still had 10 kids lined up when the event ended. He offered these children a free voucher at his salon and asked them to bring their own books.
“We don’t have books at the salon, so I’m bringing books from my house, and people have started sending me free books,” Holmes explained.
Holmes is looking forward to keeping this going at his salon.