Blended Family Lives ‘Separately Together’ in Unique Arrangement of Two Suites in One House

Blended Family Lives ‘Separately Together’ in Unique Arrangement of Two Suites in One House
When a couple with children from a previous relationship get together, it is usually assumed that they will all live in one big house à la The Brady Bunch or Yours, Mine & Ours. You know, everyone all mixed in together, getting on with their new lives with their step-siblings and all the chaotic hilarity and misunderstandings that entails.
As fun as that sounds, it’s not for everyone.
A couple from Canada has purchased a home that consists of two adjoining suites. Sort of like a duplex, but with internal access in between. They share a hallway and a laundry room, but the home has two separate living areas, kitchens, bathrooms and entrances. They live separately together with their own children in their own suites and it’s working amazingly for them.
Mum Shelley Hunt explained their perfect-for-them set up in a now-viral Tiktok.
@shellhuntful##WouldYou or ##DoYou live like this? ##LAT ##LivingApart ##Unblended ##Family ##Opinion ##WhatDoYouThink ##BadMomsOfTikTok ##WhatDoYouThink ##FYP ##StitchThis ##ShowMeYours ##ShoppersWishlist ##SephoraGiftList♬ Home – Edith Whiskers
Shelley talked about her living arrangements to Buzzfeed, explaining that she and her partner Peter agreed on purchasing the unique house while they were newly dating and both in the market to buy a home.
“I had been through a house fire and a divorce and many subsequent moves/transitions, and I was hoping to settle with my kids long-term. We were very new in our relationship, so living together with five kids didn’t seem wise, for us or them.”
“When I found this place, I couldn’t believe how ideal it was for two families. We could be close by but have our own family units. We looked at the house once and put in an offer. It resulted in us both spending less money on a home than if we’d bought separately.”
Shelley added that she and Peter are completely separate when spending time with their kids unless they do a planned activity together like a game night or blended dinners twice a week.
“Our finances are separate. Peter’s suite is bigger than mine, so that’s how we’ve determined the percentage of the bills we each pay. I pay 42% of the mortgage and utilities and taxes. He pays 58%. It’s what we agreed was fair.”
She gives us all a tour of their home in another clip.
@shellhuntfulOne House 2 Suites: The House Tour! ##Unblended ##LAT ##LivingApartTogether ##LivingApart ##RedefiningFamily ##Family ##Unconventional ##PepsiApplePieChallenge ##HolidayYourWay ##FYP ##TikTokViral ##OneHouseTwoSuites ##HouseTour
People think Shelley and Peter’s way of living makes a lot of sense for everyone involved.
“Let’s normalise doing whatever makes people happy and is best for the kids!” responded one top commenter.
“I would do that but my kids in one and my husband and I in the other!” joked another parent.
“Nice to see people stepping out of society’s ancient standards of how things should be,” added a third.
Shelley told BuzzFeed that she 100% believes that living blended-unblended has strengthened her and Peter’s relationship, as well as each of their relationships with their kids. “[Peter and I] started with a strong relationship, and this has definitely maintained the respect, love, consideration, and romance. Our communication is amazing, because again, there’s not a lot of room for unsaid expectation and disappointment!”
Could this living arrangement work for your family?
Source: TikTok/Shelley Hunt
I definitely would love to live in separate “units” it would solve so many parenting differences with chores, bed time, friends over, messiness, etc. we have six kids between us, with four out of the house. It is still difficult when all the kids come home…. Who gets the guest room and usually causes horrible arguments and makes special times miserable. Love this idea!