Bride Is Left Traumatised By Lingerie Gift From Her Mum

Bride Is Left Traumatised By Lingerie Gift From Her Mum
While we’re all familiar with the wedding tradition of ‘something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue’ we’re pretty sure used lingerie wasn’t part of the deal.
American woman Shelley Watson, who appears on the new TLC series ‘So Freakin Cheap’ says she refused to spend more than $958 on her daughter’s wedding and even admitted to giving her used lingerie as a gift.
The 23 year old bride, Brittany, is given the gifts from her mum which are in line with the tradition of ‘something borrowed, something new.’ Shelley gives her daughter a necklace as her something borrowed and something blue, with Brittany‘s veil being her something new.
The something ‘old’ however perhaps should’ve stayed in the past. You see, Shelley decides to give Brittany the lingerie she wore for her wedding night!
“This is the lingerie that I had on my wedding night, I figured you didn’t have anything,” Shelley says as she gives her daughter the corset.
“It’s been washed,” she reassured her.
Brittany is horrified: “That’s my mum’s, I don’t wanna wear something and think about my mum and dad. I’m genuinely traumatised by that lingerie.”
“Being cheap means a lot of sharing, basically we share everything, including underwear sometimes,” Shelley says.
She even boasted about how her first daughter’s wedding only cost them $1368 in total. Speaking on the show, she says: “I am beyond a bargain hunter. We did Ashley’s wedding for (US)$1000 and we want to beat that record. I will find a bargain and then I will bargain for the bargain.”
And as if the used lingerie wasn’t bad enough, the mum announced that they would be holding the wedding in the office of a chiropractor! WTF?
Shelley says: “We’re going to have your wedding right here in a chiropractor‘s office and it won’t cost us anything.”
“I am tired of not having an opinion of my own wedding,” Brittany tells older sister Ashley.
“I don’t want Shane’s parents to come and see that this is how my family is.”
Poor Brittany!
Images: TLC
Honestly if your mum is paying be grateful, otherwise pay for it yourself!
You want a nice wedding, YOU pay.
You want a nice dress, YOU pay.
You don’t want the lingerie, be grateful, accept, don’t wear it and buy your own!
You want a nice honeymoon, YOU pay.
Honey I DON’T feel sorry for you because if this is everything you don’t want them YOU hold the power to change it. If you’re going along with it, this makes you no better than the mother who’s still giving to you. It may be cheap/tightass but it’s still $1,000 YOU’RE NOT paying.
I had less than that – I didn’t have any parents and I’m a single child who couldn’t even whinge to a sibling.
Either count yourself lucky your mum is doing all this research (which takes time and time IS money) or get off your butt to get what you want.
This is the most basic way of the privileged western world from which you obviously come. Life isn’t dropped in your lap with champagne & roses luv.
This article makes me sick.
Sorry Chrystal, I know this was supposed to be fun and entertaining and my comment is nothing to do with your writing – it’s brilliant and usually I love your work but this one really got under my skin ?