Bride Slammed for Demanding Bridesmaid Lose Baby Weight in 3 Weeks or Be Replaced

Bride Slammed for Demanding Bridesmaid Lose Baby Weight in 3 Weeks or Be Replaced
We all know how hard it is to lose the baby weight after giving birth. Hell, it’s hard to lose any kind of weight once it has been put on. And adding any sort of pressure is only going to make that miserable task even more depressing, but even more so if it’s coming from someone you are supposedly close to.
A woman has put one of her bridesmaids on full blast in a Facebook post, shaming her for not losing her baby weight fast enough for her wedding, claiming that “it’s been like three weeks already and she still looks pregnant”!
Happily, as is the case with social media posts these days, someone has screengrabbed that post and shared it to a wedding shaming group on Facebook sending it viral, and now here we are.
Please enjoy this delightful example of humanity in all her glory:
Imagine being her poor maid of honour, the woman meant to be this bride’s closest friend? Three weeks into motherhood, figuring out this whole experience of caring for a newborn with all the sleep deprived, hormone-depleted, baby spit on everything, utterly exhausted and confused pyjama-wearing 24/7 thing going on, and then having to worry not only about what to do with your six week old while you’re expected to perform maid of honour duties for your selfish bitch of a best friend, but ensure you lose the baby weight to her exacting standards as well?
And if you’re wondering what the gist of those 1K of comments under her post might have been like? Well, here’s a lil snippet.
We seriously hope this goes viral to the point that the new mum sees this and recognises her “friend” for what she is: a nasty vile piece of bitchery.