Charity Shop Workers Find This Handwritten Note Pinned to a Donated Wedding Dress

Workers at a the St Gemma’s Hospice charity shop in Leeds, UK are desperately seeking the kind gentleman who donated this one off vintage dress to their bridal and occasional wear chariot shop, so they can express their gratitude.
The intricately stitched gown and it’s history have captured the imaginations of social media users globally after St Gemma’s Hospice shared an image of the handwritten note that they found attached to the dress.
The note reads ‘I wish any lady who takes this dress to have a life with her loved one, 56 years like I did, happy years. I was a lucky man to marry a lady like mine.’

Due to the online interest in the dress, the charity shop have decided to sell the dress on Ebay, to allow interested brides-to-be from around the world the chance to bid on, and buy it.
All proceeds from the sale of the dress will go to charity.
Any guesses on the what the winning bid amount might be?