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Cosmetic Surgery Fund for 4mth Old

emily bramley saves for cosmetic surgery for daughter aged four months

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Would you consider Plastic Surgery for your child?

I am not a fan of plastic or cosmetic surgery unless it is needed. I do understand that if you have been in an accident, or have a disfigurement then this surgery is a god sent. If you have large breasts that might be better reduced and it will help your life and medically, then why not.

However a mother in the UK has started a savings account for her four month old daughter, this account would be used for future cosmetic surgeries and I think it is outrageous. Well that is my 2 cents worth. Would you start saving for plastic surgery for your child? Why would you think that they would need any procedures in the future?

Emily Bramley, a former glamour model thinks plastic surgery is the perfect gift for her daughter.

The mother, Emily Bramley who was a former glamour model and now a stay at home mum, believes that her daughter Maddie will thank her when she is older. Maybe not for the idea that she will need surgery but maybe for the money in the bank account.

Bramley believes that surgery to enlarge her breasts from a cup A to a DD helped launch her modelling career. She had this surgery at 19 and it cost her £4,500.

I don’t wish bigger breasts on my girls, and I hope that they have average size for their body. A DD cup is not helpful when you are dress shopping, or getting swimsuits or the like. Trust me, some dresses make you look constantly pregnant. Fine if you are, but if you are not. You want to look slinky not looking like you are expecting.

I am very confused about the importance of saving for cosmetic surgery rather than a fund for education or even the deposit for the first house or flat. The cost of houses in the UK is very expensive and children will find it out of their reach if they don’t have a head start. I think it is very bad prioritising on the mother’s part. You can live without cosmetic surgery but if you have a great education you can get a higher paying job and then buy the house. It gives you a head start for the rest of your life.

According to the News Ltd article Bramley is going without new clothes and toiletries to save for future surgery for her little girl. She believes that modelling will make her confident and in turn give her lots of money. That might be true, although not everyone is successful in modelling and the daughter might not want to follow this path. Currently she is only four months old, so she has no say in this decision at the moment.

I hope that in the future the child decides what she wants to do and is not forced into this decision by her mother. What are your thoughts? Would you save for cosmetic surgery for your child? Or would you rather save for education or the first house. I would do the later if it was me.

More about Suzanne Robinson:

I am a mother to five year old identical twin girls, who keep me very busy. On top of looking after the girls. I blog at “Mummy to Twins”, I’m also a social media manager. I attempt to keep the house clean and tidy, and I try to fit in some me time as well.