Wednesdays at Gam’s ~ Providing Daycare for Grandchildren: What Really Works

Wednesdays at Gam’s
Providing Daycare for Grandchildren-What really works
Author: Pamela Holko Published by Bookpal 2013
This book is pitched at grandparents who provide regular day care for young grandchildren. It explores how grandparents can build a nurturing and close relationship where fun, laughter, learning and love are shared. Expensive toys and outings are not necessary for a successful daycare arrangement. What are much more valuable are enjoyable shared experiences, time to talk and listen and ideas for appropriate activities linked to developmental indicators.
Pamela wrote this book because childcare is a red hot issue for many parents these days. For varying reasons, many families find it necessary for the parent/parents to be either in the paid workforce or studying. The question arises as to what to do about day care for their under school aged children. As outlined in the Australian Bureau of Statistics 2008 Childhood Education and Care Survey, more and more grandparents are providing day care for their grandchildren on a regular basis. Many grandchildren are spending more time with active grandparents than in previous generations.
Wednesdays at Gam’s offers a “flight plan” for grandparents who find themselves, by choice or circumstance, involved in providing daycare for pre-school grandchildren. Based on sound yet simple advice, it includes information about developmental stages, suggestions for activities and inexpensive outings and simple ideas for healthy and age appropriate meals and snacks. Ideas are appropriate for age groups from birth to school age.
Activities are linked to age groups. Developmental indicators enable easy access to age appropriate activities for grandparents to enjoy with young grandchildren. Ways to interact with grandchildren appropriate to their level of development are outlined. Included are ideas for indoor and outdoor activities. Possible venues for outings are suggested and ideas for follow-up activities are included.
Important considerations to be taken into account by grandparents and parents before committing to the provision of regular day care for young grandchildren are also outlined.
A list of useful resources and websites can be found at the back of this reader friendly guide.
Information has been gathered from the author’s experiences as a grandmother who provides regular day care for her grandchildren, from her over twenty years of experience as a highly regarded teacher of young children and from professional reading.
…”it still never ceases to amaze me how young children learn about their world. Their curiosity, exploration and enthusiasm are a source of wonder and joy. What a privilege to be an important part of that learning for each grandchild.”
Foreword Wednesdays at Gam’s
“Wednesdays at Gam’s is an Australian first. A book that is long overdue for Australian families and professionals working with young children, not just grandparents.
It is a landmark book that represents the fact that Grandparents play a vital role in society today. In a variety of ways, grandparents are increasingly caring for, providing child care for and supporting the activities of parents in the care and lives of children.
We highly recommend this book to families and to professionals as part of their library for families.”
Kathy Walker, Director and Principal, Early Life Foundations
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PAMELA HOLKO holds a Master of Education (Information and Communication Technologies in Education) degree from Monash University in Melbourne.
For over twenty-five years she worked in prestigious girls’ schools in Melbourne where she served variously as Head of a Junior Primary campus, Director of Learning for Junior School, Director of a program catering for gifted and talented Primary School age students and Acting Head of Junior School. In 2008 she travelled to the Middle East where she worked as a curriculum consultant for six months.
Now semi-retired, Pamela provides daycare for her young grandchildren on a regular basis. She derives great joy from the experiences and fun they share together. Pamela is passionate about developing children’s curiosity, language and social skills through hands on activities and explorations appropriate to their ages and stages of development.