Family Shares Story Of Mystery Couple Who Gifted Their Little Girl A Gold Ring At Disneyland!

Family Shares Story Of Mystery Couple Who Gifted Their Little Girl A Gold Ring At Disneyland!
They say Disneyland is the happiest place on earth and for one family these words certainly ring true! The Geiselman family recently made a trip to Disneyland where a chance encounter with a visiting couple left them with a special gift for their little girl Belle.
The couple were completely shocked when they were approached by the couple who wanted to give their five year old a special gift. The gold ring they gifted Belle was meant to commemorate the one-year anniversary of their own daughter’s Make-A-Wish trip. So touched were the Gieselman family that they took to Facebook to share the story and let people know just how important this chance encounter at Disneyland really was.
**Edited to add, feel free to share this post. My family is hoping to connect with the couple in the story below** We…
Posted by Kara Geiselman on Monday, 11 November 2019
On her Facebook page, the mum of four recapped how the events unfolded. “We were all tired and enjoying a much needed snack break in the shade,” she said. “Belle had followed my husband Kyle to throw something in the trash and in the meantime she almost ran directly in to a couple. The woman then looked at her husband and asked Kyle if Belle liked gold,” Kara wrote. “Confused Kyle said yes. She then asked if they could gift Belle something. Kyle said of course.”
It was then that the woman bent down to give Belle a gold, child sized ring. “The couple proceeds to tell Kyle how they were at Hollywood Studios marking the one-year anniversary of their daughter’s Make-a-Wish trip,” the mum wrote. “On their initial trip they had bought two gold Mickey Mouse rings, one for their daughter and one to gift to a child who in their words, ‘was adorable like their little girl.’”
But the story doesn’t end there. Belle’s mum Kara explains that she knows all too well what it’s like to have a sick child. She explains that Belle is a twin and that she and her sister, Milly, were born prematurely at 30 weeks and 5 days, because of complications from twin to twin transfusion syndrome.
“It is a condition in which the placenta provides in essence unequal nutrients to the babies; one ends up receiving too much and one baby too little,” Kara explains. “It’s extremely dangerous for both babies and there’s a high in-utero mortality rate.”
Belle was seriously ill and placed on life-support for several days, followed by four months in the NICU while her lungs were stabilised and nurses helped her grow. Belle was so ill that she needed an oxygen tank to breathe until she was 10 months old, and required a feeding tube until she was 3 1/2.
“She’s had countless hospitalisations due to her lung disease and hundreds of hours of therapy relating to her prematurity and health issues,” Kara adds. “A lot of her major issues have been resolved but she still may face other challenges in the future.”
Little did the couple know that it was at Disneyland at 18months that Belle first ate solids by herself- without a feeding tube.
“We wanted to tell the couple so much that we were sorry for their insurmountable loss and about our own little warrior, but in the moment only ‘thank you’ came out,” she continued. “The fact that they chose Belle without knowing her struggles in life brings tears to my eyes. They didn’t know that we were back at the place where our daughter surprised us all and started eating by mouth for the first time at 18 months old, or that this trip was the first time she traveled to Disney without needing a feeding tube for nourishment or an oxygen mask on the flight.”
Kara told Cafemom that her whole reason for sharing the story was in hopes of getting in contact with the couple so she could thank them personally.
“My whole reason for sharing the story was because we were so inspired by the generosity of a couple who experienced such an unimaginable heartache,” she says. “At the same time, as a mum I needed them to know that the gift was in fact cherished and that it went to a child who can and does appreciate it.”
What a beautiful story! It’s times like these that make you realise that some encounters are not accidental. Out of all the little girls at Disneyland this couple chose to gift the ring to Belle. A girl who had had her own fair share of suffering and perhaps needed that gold ring as a symbol of hope more than anyone else that day. Just beautiful.
Images: Kara Gieselman/Facebook