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Grandmother Refuses to Use Her New Grandchild’s Name Explaining That It Is Too Pretentious to Say Out Loud

Grandmother Refuses to Use Her New Grandchild’s Name Explaining That It Is Too Pretentious to Say Out Loud

I know, I know. This is peak MIL From Hell territory, up there with the entitled older women who insist on making their children’s weddings all about them and those that demand that their daughters in law let them in the birthing suite despite not having a great relationship with them. In this case, the grandmother is flat out refusing to say her grandchild’s name because she deems it is too pretentious to say out loud, instead preferring to say “the baby”.

Surprisingly, it wasn’t the parents of the “awful pretentious” name that are complaining about the issue, but the grandmother herself, seeking support and asking how they can move forward from this awkward position she finds herself in.

Oh dear. PegorySpeck sure has gotten herself into a bit of a pickle here, wouldn’t you say?

After much nagging from other Mumsnet boardies, the grandmother began giving hints as to what this “awful” name might be.

“I’ve explained that we just have to try, but it makes us cringe and we feel so uncomfortable. It’s a name that is also a noun so we feel it is so completely out of context,” she explained. “When they gave their reasons for this name it made things worse.”

It was finally revealed that the dear little baby’s unique name is Stormy-Water, with the middle name Cloud.

“It’s not just about what we think it’s more about the abuse the poor child will get when he’s growing up,” she continued. “I just don’t think they have thought about that.”

PegorySpeck went on to explain the reasons why her stepson and his girlfriend chose the name.

“The reason is more about them though. Stormy represents their life before they met, water is the continuity (infinity) of their love for each other and cloud was the ‘silver lining’ when realised they were expecting.”

Well, that’s rather sweet. Possibly not the best way to honour your relationship, but sweet nevertheless.

“It is totally their choice, of course,” admitted the OP. “I personally think it is a bit naff.

“I’m just glad they haven’t directly asked us what we think because I’m a terrible liar and would feel so false saying ‘oh that’s lovely’ which is why we opted for ‘oh that’s unusual’. I mean what can you say?”

Perhaps you could try using the baby’s name? That’s what you could say. Admittedly, Stormy-Water is a unique name, but unfortunately for PegorySpeck and her husband, they will have to learn to live with it.

It’s done. There is nothing left to say. Use the baby’s name.


Source: Mumsnet

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Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!