Grieving Man Chooses to Adopt His Little Sister and Divorce His Wife After She Refuses to Take Her In

Grieving Man Chooses to Adopt His Little Sister and Divorce His Wife After She Refuses to Take Her In
A man has had his world turned upside after the death of his parents left his ten-year-old sister without a family. Worse still, he has only just discovered what type of woman he has married as his childfree wife refuses to allow his devastated little sister to move in with them.
The disturbing events were revealed when the man shared his tragic story on Reddit, seeking support as to whether he was in the wrong for wanting to choose his sister over his wife.
Honestly, what a disgusting human to deny a devastated little girl the only family she has left. And to have the audacity to suggest placing her in foster care!
It is understandable that the couple had chosen to be child-free, and taking in a grieving child was not in the plans but sometimes life has other ideas.
Redditors agreed.
“It’s one thing to not want kids. It’s another to be that heartless,” wrote one boardie. “It’s great that you’re taking your sister in and I’m sure you’ll find someone a lot better than your soon to be ex.”
“Seriously. The level of sheer selfishness and lack of empathy in that statement is absolutely MIND-BOGGLING. No one really “signs up” for this sort of thing, you just have to make the best you can of a shitshow situation,” added another.
“I cannot imagine being able to continue respecting a spouse who said something like that and stood behind it. OP was actually far more tactful than I think I would have been able to be. And I’m also a child-free person by choice.”
A third agreed: “Exactly. Like I’m childfree by choice. I had a hysterectomy but if I needed to become the guardian of any of my nieces or nephews, boom what do yall want for snacks?”
The OP seemed to have made his mind up after a wake-up call from another user.
“Life gave you a second chance to correct your mistake. Take it.
“A person who thinks a 10-year-old kid who just lost both of her parents is a burden to get rid of is not worth spending even a minute of your life. More disturbing is the fact that your in-laws, who are parents of a girl themselves, asking you to abandon your sister for their daughter. All in the family. Now you know where it is coming from. You are a good human being and even better brother. You deserve a lot better.”
“Yes, I am starting to believe I did not know my wife at all,” he responded. “Even if she changes her mind, I do not think our relationship is repairable.”
We wish nothing but the best for this lovely man and his sweet little sister.