Husband Admits That He and His Wife Swap Sides of the Bed Regularly and People Are Downright Shocked

Husband Admits That He and His Wife Swap Sides of the Bed Regularly and People Are Downright Shocked
A man has shocked many, many people by admitting that he and his wife regularly swap sides of the bed, even becoming genuinely surprised that this is not actually a thing and that practically no one else does it.
The startling realisation came as Irishman Steve O’Rourke was chatting with work friends about him and his wife Amy’s sleeping habits and the fact that they often switch sides depending on who gets into bed first.
I’m sorry, what now?
This alarming news became public when Steve shared it with his Twitter followers and it went viral and couples the world over stared agape with confusion. Why would anyone even…
We were just chatting in work and apparently it’s weird that Amy and I don’t sleep on the same side of the bed every night. Some nights I like to sleep by the window, some nights the door. It’s not really that unusual, is it?
— Steve O’Rourke (@steveohrourke) March 22, 2019
Feel like I need to point out the following:
1. First one in chooses
2. We’ve never disagreed over it
3. We move pillows and books as we move
4. We don’t change every single night
5. Neither of us are aliens— Steve O’Rourke (@steveohrourke) March 24, 2019
To put it mildly, some people were absolutely horrified. As well they should be. This is just the sort of anarchy that could ruin a perfectly good relationship. But still, Steve defended his sleeping arrangements as though they were the most normal thing in the world. Even though they aren’t.
That’s extremely fucking weird, actually.
— Colin O’Hara (@colinpohara) March 22, 2019
But why? Everyone keeps saying it’s weird, but nobody has explained why
— Steve O’Rourke (@steveohrourke) March 22, 2019
Well.. Its just.. I don’t.. You have a side of the bed, and that’s your side of the bed, and they have theirs. And that’s that. It’s a bit like saying, “I think I’ll go sleep in the neighbors house tonight”..
— Colin O’Hara (@colinpohara) March 22, 2019
You don’t have a side of the couch, or a set seat at the table. Just adding an extra resting place
— Steve O’Rourke (@steveohrourke) March 22, 2019
What?? Of course you do!!
— Sinéad Cuddihy (@sineadcuddihy) March 22, 2019
Eh, I’m feeling really self conscious now ?
— Steve O’Rourke (@steveohrourke) March 22, 2019
I’m sorry now…you don’t have a set seat at the table either? So every time you go to sit down, you just sit in a different seat? Wow.
— Val Kearney (@Val_Kearney) March 23, 2019
I think this is blowing my mind even more the original tweet, tbh. Like, you just grab any seat? How do you decide? How do you ever manage to get anything else DONE?
— Laura P (@leap_tweets) March 23, 2019
I just read this aloud to Mrs J and we are clutching each other in horror. What do you do about all the shite beside the bed?!
— Jack Monroe (@BootstrapCook) March 24, 2019
Books move with us, the rest of the stuff is mixed across bedside lockers
— Steve O’Rourke (@steveohrourke) March 24, 2019
— Jack Monroe (@BootstrapCook) March 24, 2019
After much discussion about the pros and cons of swapping sides occasionally, Steve eventually told people to give it a go if they haven’t tried it.
I think people should try it before they knock it. So many people are saying they’d never even attempt it. But honestly, 20 years of it and I’ve no complaints. It would be odd to have a set side
— Steve O’Rourke (@steveohrourke) March 22, 2019
Try it‽ Try living a life of instability and constant, unpredictable change? There is enough disorder in the world without inviting it into the dwelling, thank you very much.
— Rossa McMahon (@rossamcmahon) March 23, 2019
It’s not constant change though. Sometimes we can go days or weeks without swapping. And when we do swap, it’s rarely discussed, just whoever goes to bed first decides
— Steve O’Rourke (@steveohrourke) March 23, 2019
— Rossa McMahon (@rossamcmahon) March 23, 2019
How have you found someone else to share a bed with who is also happy with these shenanigans?? The only reason I’m still with my husband is because I fear a future partner might want my side of the bed.
— Twinks (@tinytwink) March 23, 2019
When my husband and I first met, I slept on the “wrong” side of the bed for a few nights and kept falling out. Ever since I’ve had my side and he’s had his and that’s that! And it’s been more than 17 years. Even in hotels and what not, I have to sleep on the left hand side or I can’t guarantee I’ll stay in the bed!
How about you? Do you swap sides regularly? Or are you a one-sided gal like me?
Source: Twitter/Steve O’Rourke