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Husband Gives Wife Annual Review Of Her Household Duties And We Wonder What His Death Certificate Will Say!

Husband Gives Wife Annual Review Of Her Household Duties And We Wonder What His Death Certificate Will Say!


This is the story of one very brave man who dared to give his wife an end of year review assessing her performance as a housewife, including action in the bedroom!

Chris Stares took on the role of employer and took his wife out for a Christmas lunch where he presented her with a detailed spreadsheet grading her on 18 aspects of family life. Chris used the form to point out her need of better conflict resolution skills and her unwillingness to accept criticism, marking them as ‘needs improvement’. The dad-of-five ended the report with a summary and ‘performance improvement plan’, which requests his wife of 14 years acknowledge that ‘sometimes your husband does know best’. The 18 aspects included in Sophie’s review included ‘attitude/respectfulness’, ‘work quality’ and ‘accepts criticism’ along with comments on her washing and ironing abilities, among other things.

Sophie, 38, said it was lucky her partner chose a public space to review her and while she didn’t love the idea at first, she did admit to feeling flattered when her hard work was graded as ‘excellent’. Chris says he was ‘very complimentary’ of Sophie’s performance in the bedroom too but held details back in case their ‘children were reading’. The 39-year-old admits he momentarily thought he was going to regret handing his wife the chart but backed it as ‘all valid’. He said: ‘We’d arranged to go out together and Sophie said it’s “mummy’s Christmas do”, because she doesn’t get one as a full-time mum.

‘I thought if it’s Christmas do, you can’t have one of them if you haven’t had an annual review yet. ‘On Thursday while Sophie was watching I’m A Celebrity* Get Me Out of Here!, I told her I’d try to get a better gas and electric deal but I did the review without her knowing. ‘I wasn’t quite sure how it’d go. If she’d had a good day, she’d see the humour in it, but if it was a bad day it was going to be a really awkward lunch. Luckily it was a good day. ‘There was a moment when I handed it over where I thought “I’m not sure I should have done this, I’ve made a terrible mistake”, but she took it well and I think it’s all valid.’

It was only after the couple shared the details on Facebook that they realised a lot of people had issue with it. One user commented: ‘I really don’t find this funny at all! 2020, more like 1920.’ Another said: ‘This is not funny and damn-right degrading. I would be livid if my husband thought of himself as my line manager.’ A third added: ‘If my husband gave me this, however funny he thought it was, he would be looking for a new wife. I honestly think this is a terrible idea.’

Stay at home mum Sophie said: ‘We’ve been together 18 years next year, so I’m quite used to him doing things like that, and he’s joked about doing these reviews but I’ve always said “don’t you dare do it”. ‘I sat there and read through it at the table. I think he was wise to do it in a public place with people around so I laughed it off. Luckily I saw the humour in it. It’s Christmas. ‘I was thinking “oh my god you’ve actually taken to do it”, but I don’t agree with some of the scores at all. It’s a good job I was in a good mood. I’d definitely appeal. ‘The good things I liked and I’ll agree with, but with the point about stocking piling rice I don’t because it meant nobody went hungry during lockdown. ‘I’ve not given any feedback yet, but I’ll definitely get around to doing that.’

Watch out Chris, I feel a review coming for you next year!


Images: Facebook and Kennedy News and Media


Chrystal Lovevintage

Chrystal Lovevintage

Chrystal is a writer and blogger who loves nothing more than watching back to back episodes of crime shows. Should she ever find herself needing to cover up a crime, she'll know exactly what to do! Her dream is to one day live in Palm Springs where she can do her writing poolside while drinking endless gin and tonics. Mum to the cutest twin boys in the world, she loves nothing more than the sound of their laughter (usually heard when they're conspiring against her). Entertainment writer and pop culture junkie, she will be bringing you all the celebrity gossip and news that your brain can handle. You can follow her blog at and on Instagram at Chrystalovevintage