Husband Reveals To Wife During Baby Shower That He Knows The Baby Is Not His!

Husband Reveals To Wife During Baby Shower That He Knows The Baby Is Not His!
Playing out like a bad Spanish Telenovela a video has recently surfaced of a husband confronting his wife on the day of their baby shower. With his lawyer in attendance he announces that he knows the baby she is carrying is not his. To make matters worse, the real father is in fact one of the guests at the party!
The video was uploaded to Reddit and shows the Bolivian man confronting his cheating wife in from of all their beautifully dressed guests. Footage shows the disgruntled husband providing allll the receipts to his disbelieving guests and horrified wife. Although the video is in Spanish, it’s pretty easy to guess what’s going on! Check it out.
Husband provides proof that the child is not his during baby shower in front of everyone, including the man she cheated with from r/trashy
A commenter on Reddit kindly offered to translate the footage for everyone.
“This is my lawyer. We have over here a document. You guys all know that I’m expecting a boy. Here, look, I have the pregnancy test, you guys know I’m gonna be a dad. But you know what, you guys overlooked an important detail. Here is proof that she isn’t 4 months pregnant but in fact she is 6 months pregnant. I just want to clarify a small detail. Here’s a document that states that the house is under my name but what is exactly my argument here?”
There is a commotion here before he says, “This party is not for me, but for them and I will leave it at that.” Then the father of the mum-to-be gets involved.
Dad: Daughter what is this? What is your husband talking about?
Woman: It’s a misunderstanding dad.
Husband: Calm down honey, just want to clarify the situation.
Sil: Angie let my brother finish talking.
Husband: Lawyer let’s continue. I have a good argument and it’s been 3 years of cheating.
Woman: Let’s talk outside please.
Husband: Here’s my buddy.
Dad: What is your husband talking about? With this fucker? You fuck have been visiting my daughter at my place (directed at bald guy).
Husband: This party is for these two, not me.
That’s when things get really interesting! Not only is the wife cheating, but her lover and father of the baby is a guest at the party. To prove the cheating allegations the lawyer opens his laptop to reveal a secret video. It shows the pregnant woman and her lover getting down and dirty wearing nothing more than some bath towels.
As you can imagine all hell breaks loose! Family members start attacking each other while the husband and his lawyer walk out looking cool, calm and collected.
On Reddit the video has been upvoted over 64,000 times and people have strong feelings about it. “I didn’t understand a word of it, but understood every bit of it,” one person wrote.
“When the lawyer packs up and goes like ‘My work here is done, imma head out before taking a chair in the face.’ I lost it,” a second commenter added.
“The way he just wades through the unfolding chaos to exit once he’s given his final line is pure poetry,” a third person wrote. “Everyone gunning for the big bald fella and he’s just walking away like how cool guys walk away from explosions. Just coasts out.”