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Jiftip the Diktip: Is Sealing His Penis Shut the New Birth Control?

Jiftip: Is Sealing His Penis Shut the New Birth Control?


Jiftip’s catch-phrase is fall in love with sex all over again.

They have devised a stick-on patch which goes over the urethral opening of the penis to contain urine and semen. Sold in 3 packs for $US6 they are marketed as an alternative to condoms. “Feel your partner, feel freedom, feel safe”.

Benefits include ‘one-size-fits-all’, can be put on in advance (un-erect) and the closest thing to actual skin to skin contact.

The company designed the product 4 years ago as a desperate alternative to condoms and describes them as “a better alternative than nothing”. They also say “the tip is where most of your headaches come and go. Where you’re open, Jiftip has you covered. Slam the door on foreign invaders and send a few eager baby seeds back to their room.”

This sounds like a sly way of saying it could potentially prevent STI’s and pregnancy without ACTUALLY saying it.

Each patch comes with a wipe to clean the tip, then you simply line it up over the hole and bond to the skin. After sex you peel it off and discard and um, presumably drain the contents left inside.

They offer a money back guarantee but note the disclaimer at the bottom:

Use Jiftip for pleasure enhancement and convenience only.

Reviews have been favourable but even the manufacturers acknowledge that it’s painful to rip them off.

Natika Halil, chief executive of sexual health charity the Family Planning Association has this to say: “There’s no evidence to suggest that this product is safe or effective, and it could potentially be very painful. As the company themselves say, it isn’t approved to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections – so if you want to avoid either of those, we’d recommend avoiding this product as well.

It’s quite concerning that the company implies that sex without condoms isn’t ‘real sex’ as condoms are the only form of contraception that can help prevent sexually transmitted infections.”

People are understandably dubious about this new product.


For me? I have no need for birth control with my partner BUT…this would prevent the necessity of having tissues (or the nearest discarded sock) at the ready for the inevitable mess, the post-coital drip AND the wet patch on the bed. So…maybe in his stocking?


Carolyn Murphy

Carolyn Murphy

Carolyn Murphy is a married mother of three and regularly provides us with recipes and strange but true stories about her life. When she’s not here, she can also be found on her website where all her other recipes are located!