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Melbourne hosts the largest gathering of twins in the southern hemisphere!

Last weekend you would have been forgiven for thinking you were seeing double (or more!) when more than 3000 twin, triplets and higher order multiples along with their families converged on the Caulfield Racecourse in Melbourne to celebrate the 2015 Twins Plus Festival.

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This event is the largest gathering of twins and multiples in the Southern Hemisphere and organised by the Australian Twin Registry and the Australian Multiple Birth Association.  It’s an opportunity for twins and multiples to have a fun day out with competitions, talent shows and the opportunity to meet celebrity twins and other multiple families .

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There was also a serious side to the day, with researchers also in attendance looking for participants in studies surrounding the unique health and psychology of twins and higher order multiples.

Also in attendance were Australia’s oldest identical triplets, Dorothy, Florence and Betsy – aged 75 years.

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Are you a twin or do you have twins or multiples?


Lauren Matheson

Lauren Matheson

Lauren founded her website Create Bake Make as a way to justify the ridiculous amount of baking she loves to do. She has a super sweet tooth and enjoying a slice of cake (or two) is one of her guilty indulgences. As a Mum of two little boys, when she isn't creating fun activities for the kids or breaking up arguments over toy trucks and cars, you will find her in the kitchen baking up a storm - or hiding in the pantry with the latest cooking magazine and a hot cup of coffee!