Mum Admits She’s Addicted To Taking Pregnancy Tests Even Though She’s Already Pregnant!

Mum Admits She’s Addicted To Taking Pregnancy Tests Even Though She’s Already Pregnant!
Who remembers the feeling of peeing on a stick to see whether you’re pregnant or not? For some it’s in hopes of starting a family and for others it’s to make sure they’re not. Whatever the reasons are for taking a test one feeling is for certain- and that’s of anticipation!
One woman has taken this feeling to the next level and says she loves the elation she gets from peeing on the stick! So much in fact, that she can’t help taking them all the time even when she’s actually pregnant! Mum of two, Corrine Hounslow took her first pregnancy test at 19 and now admits she can’t stop.
“The test was positive. I ran to the drugstore and bought more pregnancy tests, a handful at least and returned to the bathroom to jam them all in a cup of my pee,” she wrote in Women’s Health magazine. “They were all positive, I was definitely pregnant. After I told him, Matt didn’t say much to me for a solid week.”
Her addiction was in full swing and Corrine says by the time her and husband were trying for baby number two and peeing on that stick was all she could think about.
“I became obsessed with checking my fertility with ovulation tests and then taking multiple pregnancy tests, hoping to get a positive result,” she said. “All day, I’d think about when I could test next, and I’d calculate my cycle over and over again.”
She went on to start a YouTube channel where she explains that even after finding out she’s pregnant she continues to take pregnancy tests twice a day for a week “to check to see if the lines were getting darker.”
The buzz she gets from seeing the lines get progressively darker are linked to the feelings of knowing the pregnancy is successful. “It’s an indication that the pregnancy was going well,” she explains. By the time she gave birth to her second child, she says she had taken about 400 tests.
The Hounslows are now trying for baby number three and husband Matt seems to have finally come to terms with his wife’s strange addiction.
Images: Instagram