Mum Attaches Money to Rubbish Around the House to Prove Her Family Are Lazy

Mum Attaches Money to Rubbish Around the House to Prove Her Family Are Lazy
Us mums will go to great lengths to get our families to clean up after themselves, with varying degrees of success. One Aussie mum has even gone so far as to try and bribe her family with a cash incentive to pick up rubbish around her home, but alas, her efforts have proven unsuccessful.
Sharing her imaginative tip to get her family to pick up their shit on Facebook, the mum decided to attach very real money to bits of garbage lying around her home. She then logged her results with daily photos waiting to see who would win the pay off by picking up the rubbish and finding her prize.
Predictably (for us mums, anyway), not a single person in her family picked up any of the rubbish or found any cash after six days (!!), proving to the clued-up mother that her family really were just as lazy as she suspected.
Her post on Facebook said: ‘Needing something to inspire kids and husbands to tidy up around the house? Clearly this game hasn’t worked here yet, maybe one day. For now, I’ll keep upping the prize money, knowing it’s coming back.’
She posted the images on social media showing the location of the rubbish for each day of the week. The post has been liked over 4,500 times with lots of people praising the idea, but doubting the effectiveness of the scheme in their own homes.
One said: ‘My kids would probably pick it up, take out the money, throw it back on the floor and forget about the entire purpose.’
Another added: ‘The rolls would start to decompose in my house – no one would pick them up even if it saved their life,’ another commented.
Yes, we understand entirely.
We particularly love that not only did the toilet roll with the twenty taped to it not get picked up, but on Day 3 it was joined by a friend.
If anyone else has any tips on how to get our families involved in picking things up around the house, we’d love to hear it. Because if cold hard cash fails to work, nothing will!
Source: Facebook/Mums Who Clean