Mum Left Feeling Embarrassed and Ashamed After a Snarky Stranger Criticised Her Baby Daughter’s Hairstyle

Mum Left Feeling Embarrassed and Ashamed After a Snarky Stranger Criticised Her Baby Daughter’s Hairstyle
It takes a special kind of bitch to have the nerve to criticise a young mum for how her baby’s hair is done while sitting nearby in a doctor’s waiting room. To make a bold statement to a complete stranger with a sick child and then just walk away leaving her open-mouthed and shocked behind her.
That is exactly what happened to Maya Vorderstrasse when she took her youngest daughter, Hazel, to the doctors recently.
What was the heinously wicked mistake that Maya had made when she got her daughter ready for the pediatrician appointment that morning?
She put her hair in a ponytail.
“THE NERVE of some people,” she began in an Instagram post.
“I went to the pediatrician with Hazel and this woman sitting across from me in the waiting room got up, walked over to me and snarkily said:
“‘You shouldn’t put your daughter’s hair up in a ponytail. When you take it down, it will rip her hair out, it will never grow back and she will be bald.
“Just like that she got up and left, leaving me embarrassed in front of strangers and feeling horrible about myself.”
“I felt the need to explain myself, and that they all needed to know that I use a certain type of rubber band, and I don’t make it tight and that I’m so careful but GUESS WHAT? I don’t owe her ANYTHING.”
“Her erroneous judgement will not guilt me into thinking that I am a bad mother. She doesn’t know me. There is a difference between caring for the safety of a child when they are in actual danger, and to shame and humiliate a mother because you think you know better than her.”
What is wrong with people?
Apart from being astoundingly rude, that woman is just plain incorrect, too. I’ve been wearing ponytails for most of my life and I’m not bald. Furthermore, never have I ever heard of anyone I know have hair loss issues due to a recklessly worn ponytail.
I wish I could have been in that waiting room to offer some support to Maya at that moment, or at the very least chase down the rude bitch and give her a piece of my own mind! But it seems like Maya has it together without my help anyway. She ends her Instagram post with a much more positive message than one I had in mind.
“Don’t spread hate. Be supportive. Be nice. Be positive and encouraging. That’s what we need as a community of women working so hard to raise decent human beings.
“As this platform allows me to reach people, I will ALWAYS use my voice, and trust me… I can be loud!”
You go, girl! You got this.
Source: Instagram/Maya Vorderstrasse