Mum Makes A Unicorn Cake That Would Be Better Suited For A Hen’s Night Than A Kid’s Birthday!

Mum Makes A Unicorn Cake That Would Be Better Suited For A Hen’s Night Than A Kid’s Birthday!
Hands up who’s ever attempted to recreate a cake from Pinterest only to have it fail miserably. I know I have! I remember one year trying to make the classic swimming pool cake from The Women’s Weekly Cookbook only to have it look like a filthy swamp, festered with mosquitoes and dead animals. Not cute!
One mortified mum had a fail of a different kind when making her daughter’s birthday cake. Let’s just say it was an x-rated fail and the cake she ended up with would’ve been better suited for a hen’s night rather than a child’s birthday.
Submitting the photo to the Awkward Family Photos Instagram page, an anonymous guest at the party wrote: “My wife and I went to a child’s birthday party. The theme was unicorns…”
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“My wife and I went to a child’s birthday party. The theme was ‘unicorns.’”
Except this unicorn looked to have a gold dildo as it’s horn! I mean come on! How on earth could you even serve that up at a kid’s party without bursting into fits of laughter. The cake was such a scream that it had guests wondering what the ‘goodie bags’ would contain. Hahahaha!
The Instagram account’s 619,000 followers were quick to comment on the phallic looking cake and the commentary is just as hilarious as the…ahem…horn.
“Is that a unicorn in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?”
“What NOT to do for a unicorn cake.”
“What on earth did they use for a reference photo??”
“That cake is slightly more likely to be sat on than the average cake.”
“When your cake baker doubles as an adult film star on the side.”
What an absolute classic! At least it’s one birthday that will be memorable albeit for all the wrong reasons!
Images: Instagram