Mum Says Daughter’s Name Is Too Common And Wants To Change It!

Mum Says Daughter’s Name Is Too Common And Wants To Change It!
Choosing your child’s name is perhaps one of the most important decisions you’re ever going to make. It will be a name they will identify with and be called by for the rest of their lives. For some, the decision is easy as they have a family name to pass down, for others it’s a bit trickier. I know for me personally, being a teacher meant there were a lot of names ruined forever!
Of course we’ve all heard those crazy celebrity kids’ names like North, Apple, Moses and True that sound like they were picked randomly out of a hat. But we’re not talking about celebrities here, we’re talking about naming a child who is going to attend regular school with other non-famous kids. How do you go about naming them?
We all want our child to have the ‘right’ name. One that’s original and well suited to them. One that perhaps matches with the other children in the family or one that you think is so unique and pretty that you believe hardly anyone else will have that same name.
That’s exactly what happened with this mother who named her daughter Esmée and then regretted it because it suddenly became ‘too common’. Now that her daughter is 4 years old and will be starting school soon, the mother discovered there are not 1 but 2 more Esmee’s in her daughter’s class!
“I gave her a name which, I thought, was very original as I hadn’t heard another girl called it in about 20 years,” the mom wrote on parenting forum Mumsnet. “Only to find when she started nursery another girl called the same but (spelled) differently.”
Oh, dear.
“Totally hacked off and really upset by this,” she continued. “Am I being unreasonable to change my (dear daughter’s) name before September? I love her name but HATE it’s so common now.”
Now before you start judging this mum’s motives, you must know that the reason she feels so strongly about it, is because of her own childhood memories. When she was in school, five other people in her class had the same name, and the mum hated it so much she vowed to never let her children live through the same experience.
“I can remember my whole junior/secondary school time being colored by the fact that so many of us had the same name. I changed it as soon as I could because of that reason. Every time I hear my real name, I shudder,” she wrote.
Celebrities like Michael J. Fox and Katey Sagal have named their children Esme which is fine according to the mum but what really annoys her, is the fact that she had NO idea Esme is also the name of the vampire matriarch, Esme Cullen, in “Twilight.”
Now the first thing anyone asks when they hear her daughter’s name is if her name was inspired by the film.
“The answer is no it bloody isn’t!!!” she writes.
Some have suggested perhaps using the daughter’s middle name instead but the mum says that one is even more common!
What do you think? Is this a good reason to change your child’s name? What would you do?
Images: Pixabay