Mum Trashes Teen’s Room to Teach Her a Lesson, Wonders Why “Everyone’s Against Her”

Mum Trashes Teen’s Room to Teach Her a Lesson, Wonders Why “Everyone’s Against Her”
A controlling woman has expressed surprise and anger that others can’t see the benefits of teaching her children a lesson in cleanliness by tipping their clothes all over the floor. Her completely sane method involved trashing her teen daughter’s room because she discovered that she hadn’t folded her clothes properly in her drawers.
Oh sweet baby cheeses, most of us would just be happy to see the floor in our teen children’s rooms, am I right? I couldn’t care less how things are folded as long as they aren’t strewn across the carpet inside out and covered in fluff and food and whatnot.
Seeking validation and praise, the mum made her sanctimonious post on Reddit’s Am I The Asshole forum, asking why others thought she should “get mental help and stop being such a controlling bitch”.
Oh yes, that little ploy certainly benefitted her daughter. She is now safely away from this utter nutjob who values cleanly organised drawers more than her daughter’s sense of belonging and a loving connection with her mother.
Needless to say, the woman found little support in the comments section.
“What kind of controlling parent are you? Checking their drawers to make sure they didn’t just shove it in there to make it look neat. Why do you care?” wrote one contributor. “Also your solution: “Hmm my kid didn’t fold their laundry and I HATE messes so let me dump everything out and make a mess.” How is that supposed to achieve your goal?.”
“Take a look at yourself because I doubt this is the only thing that made her leave. You most likely have a pattern of being controlling and this was just the last straw. The way you decided to act was more akin to a child than an adult. You made a mess because you didn’t get your way. That’s moronic,” added another.
A third Redditor gave the mum a glimpse of her future: “My mum used to do this and now we have minimum contact. Seek mental help before you alienate your kids entirely because there’s a difference between expecting a clean space and being an unreasonable control freak.”
What’s more important? Properly folded clothes in drawers or a loving relationship between mother and daughter?
It’s a no-brainer from where I’m sitting.
Source: Reddit/AITA?