Neighbours Send New Mum A Letter Requesting She Try And Keep Her Baby Quiet!

Neighbours Send New Mum A Letter Requesting She Try And Keep Her Baby Quiet!
A new mum was left fuming after neighbours left a note requesting she try and keep her new-born baby quiet as they were finding it hard to sleep.
Yes…you heard that right! The NEIGHBOURS were finding it hard to sleep. Never mind the poor mother who not only has to tend to a crying baby but now has complaining neighbours to deal with.
The stunned mum posted her rant to Facebook where it didn’t quite receive the response she was expecting. She shared her complaint to an inner-west mums group saying she was “fuming” after finding a handwritten note from the couple next door asking her to help them “get more sleep”. Here’s what the note said:
“Dear Neighbours, we hope you are well. We would have called on you but are never sure when you and we are both around. We just wanted to let you know that unfortunately we have had a number of disturbed night’s sleep recently due to the thinness of the walls between our units. We don’t have children and are sure its not at all easy to soothe a crying baby but would appreciate anything you can do to try and help us get more sleep, particularly in the early hours. Thank you for your consideration of this. I am sure we all look forward to more undisturbed night’s sleep. Very best wishes Jackie and John “
After finding the note in her letter box the mum was understandably shaken and took to Facebook to see if anyone else shared her anger. “So I just got this in my mailbox….. fuming!!! Do I respond with a letter? Leave it? Post earplugs in their mailbox?”
Surprisingly many of the comments were in support of the complaining neighbours and not of the mum herself.
“That is a lovely note. They are just trying to come to an agreement with you. They also owned it by saying who it was from,” one said.
“I don’t reckon Jackie and John would appreciate their very polite and reasonable note being published on social media,” another said. “Not a great recipe for neighbourly relations.”
“I think it’s an incredibly polite letter that I’m sure was not easy to write,” another wrote.
Yes, it’s an extremely polite letter but who in their right mind asks a new mother, who is possibly surviving on barely any sleep herself, to help THEM get some sleep. And not just that, but they are requesting that the mum ‘try her best especially in the early hours of the morning.’ We’ve all been there and know how painful those early hours are, it’s when you feel your worst and are in desperate need of either a strong coffee to stay awake or a couple of hours sleep to try and function for the remainder of the day.
Luckily there were also those who sided with the mum stating that the letter was unreasonable and just plain rude. “Send them some earplugs or knock on their door the next time the baby cries and ask for help,” one said.
“Ask them to help pay for a sleep consultant,” another wrote.
What do you think? What would have done if your neighbours left you a note like that?
Images: Pixabay