Australian Parents Urged to Anchor IKEA Drawers Following Product Recall in US After Toddler Death

Australian Parents Urged to Anchor IKEA Drawers Following Product Recall in US After Toddler Death
IKEA US issued a voluntary recall of 29 million MALM chest of drawers on Monday following the tragic death of 22 month old Ted McGee in Minnesota in February. Ted was found beneath the 6 drawer MALM unit after it fell on him. It is reportedly the 6th death of a child under 3 linked to the furniture in the US, with many more injuries also being reported.

The recall affects children’s chests and dressers taller than 23.5 inches and adult chests and dressers taller than 29.5 inches that do not meet the performance requirements of the U.S. voluntary industry standard.
Whilst the recall does not apply to Australian consumers, it serves as a powerful reminder to parents to take heed of the instructions to anchor the furniture to the wall.

“IKEA provides anti-tip restraints and instructions for wall anchoring with all chests of drawers and other furniture which is at risk of tipping,” said IKEA Australia spokeswoman.
“We wish to emphasise that the best way to prevent tip-over of chests of drawers is to attach products to the wall as per the assembly instructions.”
The hard-hitting demonstration produced by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission is enough to convince parents everywhere of the necessity of securing furniture safely. The confronting demonstration is both terrifying and compelling. We strongly urge you to watch it and share this important information with your friends and loved ones. It could save a child’d life.