Parents Find Unexpected Item In Child’s Trick Or Treat Bag!

Parents Find Unexpected Item In Child’s Trick Or Treat Bag!
Halloween is well and truly over for yet another year and now we’re left to pick up the pieces. By pieces I mean pulling down decorations, packing away costumes and sorting through the crap lollies our children managed to accumulate whilst trick or treating. I for one try and toss out as much junk as I can and only leave the good stuff behind – the Mars Bars, Freddo Frogs and methamphetamines.
Wait, what?? Yes, you had that right! A mum in America found a bag of DRUGS in her child’s trick or treat bag while sorting through the sweets. Police say the ziplock bag was found by the child’s mum and handed into Menominee Tribal Police in Wisconsin.
The contents contained a crystal powder which tested positive for methamphetamine. Police have confirmed the child didn’t ingest the drugs and that they’re looking into how the bag came to be in the child’s bag.

At this stage it’s not known whether the bag was placed there intentionally or by accidental. You know, cause it’s easy to mix up your drug stash with your jelly beans right?
Police are have expressed concern that other children in the same neighbourhood could also have been exposed to meth. While officers say it appears to be an isolated incident, they’ve advised parents who attended the same Halloween event in Keshena, Wisconsin to look carefully through their children’s lollies.
“It is a zip-lock bag. Unfortunately zip-lock bags can open up, we don’t know if there’s more out there,” Menominee Tribal Police detective Joshua Lawe said. “Right now this is an isolated incident, but if there was more out there, if it does get through the bags and kids are touching this candy, that can be very dangerous to them. Even the parents.”
Now thats scary!