People Are Sharing Their Unexpected Moments of Kindness From Strangers in This Wholesome Twitter Thread

People Are Sharing Their Unexpected Moments of Kindness From Strangers in This Wholesome Twitter Thread
It’s no secret that we have seen the uglier side of mankind over the past few years. Hate, racism, homophobia, misogyny, and old-fashioned intolerance seem to be running rampant across the minds of many if comments under social media posts are to be believed. But a random Twitter thread about ducklings, of all things, has shown us another side of strangers that is wholesome and heartwarming. It gives us hope that not every stranger has hate in their hearts.
Recently, author Mitali Perkins published a tweet, describing the unexpected encounter she had with a random teen:
I was walking alone yesterday when an unsmiling teen on a bike whizzed by. Our eyes met. He circled back, and I couldn’t help bracing myself for our encounter. “Hey, lady,” he said gruffly. “Five ducklings. Under the culvert ahead.” Then he did a wheelie and sped off.
— Mitali Perkins (@MitaliPerkins) April 30, 2021
Awww!! We don’t know what’s sweeter – the gruff teen wanting to share the sight of some baby ducks or the baby ducks themselves!
Before long, people responded to Mitali’s tweet with unexpected moments of kindness that they, too, had experienced.
Heading up the steps from the subway in Rome, my Mom trips and falls. I’m trying to watch our purses while helping her up. Young guy with huge, spiky Mohawk, leathers, piercings, stops and offers his hand up and to hold back the crowd while Mom gets to her feet. So lovely.
— TheJourneyGenie (@TheJourneyGenie) May 1, 2021
At a campground, random lady, walking around with a garbage bag…
Have you seen? She says
and I’m like (in my head) your trash?
Turns out she was saving these babies from having to cross roads to get to the river…
— uglyduckling movement studio (@angelabarsotti) April 30, 2021
Knock at the door, i look out the peep hole & see a little girl about 10. Think to myself ‘I am not buying anything from you sweetie.’ Open the door. “The door to your car has been open all day, just wanted to let you know since it’s starting to rain.” Hops on bike & takes off.
— Karen Brimm (@gishgirl13) May 1, 2021
Will never forget having a very bad period in a train and an older gent tapped me & said softly, ‘ma’am, you’re bleeding’. It was bad and we had reached our destination. He wrapped his coat around my waist. Escorted me to the loo as I DRIPPED. Waited as I washed which was ages.
— leone ross (@leoneross) May 1, 2021
Taking my garbage out, dark alley, late at night. Shared the alley w. a dive bar. 3 drunk young men started yelling at me: “Hey! HEY!” I looked up, bracing myself. “There’s an owl behind you!!” I looked up just in time to see the owl swoop by silently. A+ interaction.
— Margaret Shawver (@Magreader) April 30, 2021
Once saw a couple of skateboarding kids waving their boards around in the middle of a busy street, blocking cars. Eventually realized they were helping a panicking young squirrel cross the traffic safely. #TheKidsAreAllRight
— Cherie Priest (@cmpriest) May 1, 2021
My 4 year old learning to ride a bicycle got his training wheels stuck in the sand off the pavement. The big silent scary looking teenager screeched to a stop next to him and carefully helped his bike back onto the pavement. I could see the hero worship kindle in my kid’s eyes.
— Elisabeth [shop at indie bookstores] Danger (@_Miss_Elisabeth) May 1, 2021
In Philadelphia for a conference. Went walking & got lost at night. Nervously walked up to a group of teenage boys & said I was lost.
‘Where you from?’
‘Hell, yeah, you lost.’
They walked me back to my hotel miles away. ❤️— cmdibley ? (@cmdibley) May 1, 2021
Told senior Sikh Lyft driver how happy I was to get 2nd covid shot. He asked how could he get one. pulled up 2the medical ctr & I got him signed up for his 1st dose. When I called to get picked up to go home, he showed up. He had parked & waited 45mins for me. ????
— Deirdre L. Hall (@DeirdreLHall) May 1, 2021
Got lost in Dublin w/ my 3 very drunk flatmates, trying to find our hostel – scruffy girl about 10 years old runs up to us, alarmed: “This isn’t a safe neighborhood!” in a thick Irish accent. Asks us where we’re staying, grabs us by the hands, & gets us back to the hostel safely.
— Tracy (@littlecrane) May 1, 2021
Car broke down on Lake Shore Drive at night. Managed to get it to a parking lot, tow truck couldn’t come for an hour. A guy who’d been playing hockey said “I’m just gonna sit all the way over here in my car til your tow comes to be sure you’re ok” and he did! I’ve never forgotten
— BeReesieKat#Crouton (@bereesiekat) May 1, 2021
One time on my way to work, I saw a gaggle of boys about 13 years old. They were protecting a mama duck and her babies cruising three street. Restored my faith in 13 year old boys.
— Elizabeth Simpson (@emaestra) May 1, 2021
Crossed a busy road & down a side road. Noticed a nice black car whip off the main road to follow me, driver yelling. I finally turned around & he says “Miss! Your dress! I couldn’t let you keep going!” and behold, I had tucked my dress in my undies and flashed the road my ass ?
— ✨?leyla ?✨ (@leylairoyale) May 1, 2021
Funny how kindness shows itself when we least expect it!
Do you have a similar story to share? Tell us in the comments!
Source: Twitter/Mitali Perkins