People Are Sharing the Embarrassingly Obvious Lightbulb Moments That Happened Later in Life

People Are Sharing the Embarrassingly Obvious Lightbulb Moments That Happened Later in Life
When you’re young you’re not expected to know everything, to have it all figured out yet. But at some point, it is assumed that a grown-ass adult would know these obvious things that the rest of us have picked up along the way and not given a second thought.
That is why it’s so funny when someone has a lightbulb moment and realises that the Dominos pizza logo is a domino at age 27. Like dude, how did that not become obvious to you at any time?

Someone has started a hilariously enlightening Twitter thread after realising a seemingly-obvious fact that, to them, had gone unrealised for an embarrassingly long amount of time. Granted, his fact wasn’t that great, but the ones that followed were pure gold.
Grab a beverage of your choice and enjoy these people’s funny lightbulb moments.
What are some really obvious things you didn’t realise until embarrassingly late in your life? I didn’t know Bolivia was named after Simón Bolívar
— Jon Stone (@joncstone) March 18, 2018
I thought chives were small fish until ~1 year ago.
— Sam Lowe (@SamuelMarcLowe) March 18, 2018
There was also a (relatively short tbf) early-teen phase when I thought the lyrics were “poppadom preach”…
— Benjamin Kentish (@BenKentish) March 18, 2018
I thought dua lipa was two people until yesterday
— GSV whats a computer (@SuzeMarsupial) March 18, 2018
Only found out recently capers aren’t seafood, still dubious
— Frank Sobotka (@cymrurouge) March 18, 2018
I thought ‘outgoing’ as in ‘outgoing CEO’ was always an odd reference to their social skills and/or possibly a euphemism for liking their booze. I was 23 when I found out.
— Arron Reza Merat (@a_merat) March 18, 2018
I’ve just found out that Arkansaw is Arkansas
— Gaenor Deacon (@gaisymay) March 18, 2018
Flo Rida took his name from the State.
— Nick Evans (@NickEvans1990) March 18, 2018
That you can put anything in the hotel room power slot literally anything doesn’t have to be the key card
— bc (@444blackcat) March 18, 2018
That 1st 2nd and 3rd are the numbers and then the last two letters of the word e.g. firST 1ST
— ouhoh (@tuucoe) March 18, 2018
That Oxo cubes are designed to be crumbled BEFORE you open the packet
— Elin Roddy (@elinlowri) March 18, 2018
Wait til you find out about ground beef ?
— Doctor_Robocop (@MooneyEsquire) March 18, 2018
That in the song “I saw mommy kissing Santa Clause”, The mom is kissing the kid’s dad, who dresses up as Santa. I just thought the mom was giving Santa a friendly peck on his way out of the house.
— Andrew W Daly (@TungstenPoles) March 19, 2018
I didn’t know narwhals were real until I was 33. I thought the ‘unicorn of the sea’ related to their mythical nature not the massive blimmin horn…
— Sophington Towers (@s0phie0) March 18, 2018
I didn’t realise quinoa was pronounced quinoa, I thought it was pronounced quinoa.
— Benjamin Murphy (@BenjaminMurphy0) March 18, 2018
That a cappuccino is not, in fact, called a “cup of chino”.
— Mark Coughlan ?? ?? (@mjc0ughlan) March 18, 2018
I didn’t know Forrest Gump was mentally challenged. I just thought he was southern ??♀️
— Briαnnα.☾ (@BMontoya_) March 18, 2018
Didn’t realize Slim Shady and Eminem are the same person until I was in about 9th grade. But I knew a lot of people who listened to him regularly so that made this pretty Embarrassing.
— Rebekah Marie Beatty (@RebekahMBeatty) March 18, 2018
Until the age of 15, I thought this was a pair of goofy teeth ?
— Colorado ? Family (@ColoradoFamily) March 18, 2018
Never realised that red and green peppers are the same pepper at different stages of ripeness. Thought they were two completely different varieties
— Ian Murphy (@murphmanz) March 18, 2018
Today I found out that segway and segue are the same word and that it’s just how the latter is said. I’ve been using both, and pronouncing the later as ‘seeg’. In many formal contexts.
— Small Adult Successson (@Philgebunts) March 18, 2018
That the gas gauge in a car indicates which side of the car the gas tank is on
— Stef R (@root4oneduck) March 19, 2018
That David and Richard Attenborough were brothers. Early forties.
— Martin Carr (@martin_carr) March 18, 2018
Were any of these facts news to you as well? Do you have one to share? Tell us in the comments!
Source: Twitter/Jon Stone