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Pumpkin Patch Maternity Shoot With An Unexpected Twist Has Gone Viral!

Pumpkin Patch Maternity Shoot With An Unexpected Twist Has Gone Viral!

Maternity shoots are usually synonymous with soft, flowy images of the beach or a quaint little country cabin in the back ground. The mum-to-be is usually photographed wearing something long and sheer while cradling her baby bump. The expectant-partner is instructed by the photographer to kiss the baby bump or nuzzle the neck of his partner while bathing in the bliss of knowing the baby is just a few months away from entering the world.

One couple in America however, decided to do things a bit differently with a maternity shoot that has to be seen to be believed. Please do not scroll down any further if you have a queasy stomach or about to have dinner! Turn back now!

Todd and Nicole Cameron’s pumpkin patch shoot started off looking quite ordinary with the couple posing sweetly in a field of pumpkins.

To the untrained eye these two look like a normal couple anticipating the birth of their new child. They look like every other expectant parent who are looking to create memories they can look back on wistfully.

And that’s when things started to get weird…

In the first pic Nicole looks like she’s having some major contractions while hubby looks on with mock sympathy.

Then this! The stomach seems to lift up and a patch of blood appears smeared across Nicole’s dress.

Suddenly an alien-like creature bursts through her stomach in search of it’s parents. I don’t know about to you, but from far away that totally looked like a human arm!

Sensing it’s parents are total weirdos, the creature then decides to take off through the pumpkin patch with dad in hot pursuit behind it.

Dad manages to capture the runaway arm-thing while mum gives it a dummy to settle it down.

And voila…the goriest maternity shoot we’ve ever laid our eyes on!

Tom Cameron shared the photos to his Facebook page with the following message: Well, you won’t believe what happened yesterday DURING OUR MATERNITY SHOOT!!! Our chests are bursting with love for our new addition! Special thanks to Li Carter for her once-in-a-lifetime pictures and McNab’s Corn Maze for the location/birth place!

The images soon became viral as all of the couple’s friends shared and reshared the gory images. No-one has been more surprised than Tom with the response the pumpkin photo shoot has received. Read his latest FB message thanking everyone for their support:

This has been a day for the books. After spending two whole days decorating the house for Halloween, I was finally able to post the Alien Maternity Photo Shoot last night. And now, after just 31 hours, it has been shared 200 THOUSAND times! I have chatted with so many people associated with media outlets, websites, and blogs and just regular folks wanting to connect, share their laughter, and send their kudos and best wishes. We’ve had published stories or posts by Bored Panda, Pop Sugar, Unilad, ihorror, Ladysmith Chronicle, KST 12 (ABC), Love What Matters, and several bloggers. I even chatted with a woman from Good Morning America! There are many more articles coming. I’ve also had thousands of people request friendship which is super weird (and not happening) and one woman asked me when I am coming back to Minnesota.

And all of this while trying to be an attentive dad to young Burston! Every time I went on my phone, Burston either bit my ankle, dripped corrosive drool on the floor, or scampered into the heating ducts! No one said fatherhood was easy.

A big thanks to Nicole for being such a great sport and my perfect match. Another big thanks to Li Carter for her amazing photos! And a huge thanks to everyone who shared and commented or reacted to the post! If it wasn’t for you guys, this post wouldn’t have left the Island. 

And if you’ve grown attached to the cute little chestburster alien then you can follow his adventures on his very own Instagram page @burstonoutcameron.

You’re welcome.

Images: Facebook

Chrystal Lovevintage

Chrystal Lovevintage

Chrystal is a writer and blogger who loves nothing more than watching back to back episodes of crime shows. Should she ever find herself needing to cover up a crime, she'll know exactly what to do! Her dream is to one day live in Palm Springs where she can do her writing poolside while drinking endless gin and tonics. Mum to the cutest twin boys in the world, she loves nothing more than the sound of their laughter (usually heard when they're conspiring against her). Entertainment writer and pop culture junkie, she will be bringing you all the celebrity gossip and news that your brain can handle. You can follow her blog at and on Instagram at Chrystalovevintage