Should Social Issues be Introduced in Popular Children’s Movies?

Many Disney fans are waiting in anticipation for the upcoming Frozen sequel following the success of the first movie that has had nearly every child belting out ‘Let it Go’.
One fan, 17-year-old Alexis Isabel Moncada hopes the sequel will see the main character, Elsa partnered with… another princess. The teenager sent a tweet to Disney, suggesting how iconic it would be for Elsa to be a lesbian princess. The tweet went viral and brought up a mass of support.
The teenager tweeted to Disney:
“I hope Disney makes Elsa a lesbian princess. Imagine how iconic that would be.”
As a result of the tweet, a hashtag was formed #GiveElsaAGirlfriend which has been tweeted over 10,000 times.
In August 2015, Frozen Director, Chris Buck told MTV News that he hopes the sequel will tackle issues that boys and girls, men and women are dealing with. Many believe that those ‘issues’ could be about sexuality.
Idina Menzel, who played the voice of Elsa, told ET on Sunday 23rd May that the online campaign for Disney to #GiveElsaAGirlfriend was ‘great’, but out of her control.
“I think it’s great. Disney’s just gotta contend with that. I’ll let them figure that out.”
But the question needs to be asked, why do adult issues need to be introduced in children’s films? Can’t we leave the Disney Princesses alone? Not all children’s stories and fairy tales need to be tuned into social issues.
One of the popular points that was raised about Elsa’s relationship status was why did she need to be partnered at all? Other than Merida in the movie Brave, Elsa was the second princess not to have partnered up with a prince. Her story in the Frozen movie was learning to love herself and understand the bond of sisterly love and not shutting out her sister despite her ‘powers’.
We’d love to know what you think? Should social issues be introduced into children’s movies or should we leave them alone and let our kids enjoy pirates and princesses without having to figure out their sexuality?
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