This Dad Set Up a Delightful Magical Quest for His 3yo After She Asked What was Behind the Attic Door

This Dad Set Up a Delightful Magical Quest for His 3yo After She Asked What was Behind the Attic Door
If this story doesn’t put a smile on your face, nothing will!
A dad has created a wonderful magical quest for his little girl after she discovered the attic door in the ceiling of her house for the first time.
Jason Robertson took to Twitter to share his three-year-old daughter Emma’s beautiful adventure. His post has been widely adored by thousands of people around the world as it is just what we needed to warm our hearts a little during these uncertain times.
Please enjoy the tale of Emma’s magical quest!
Alright kids, gather round.
A few of you may remember that my 3yo discovered a door in our ceiling, and has been asking about what’s inside.
Her eyes were wide: “Papaí… there’s a DOOR… on our ROOF!!”
— Jason Robinson ? (@VafeR) March 30, 2020
I’ve been stalling for a few weeks, but I told Emma we’d get a ladder and climb up there to see what’s behind the door.
I happen to know there is… an OLD RUG up there. Meh.
— Jason Robinson ? (@VafeR) March 30, 2020
Secret doors need TREASURE though. So, I went to Claire’s at the mall, and bought the SPARKLIEST little treasure box I could find.
The photo doesn’t do it justice, it’s not “rose gold”… it’s both PINK and GOLD, in the most un-subtle of ways.
— Jason Robinson ? (@VafeR) March 30, 2020
So, that’s going to be sitting up there, locked.
It will also have a TREASURE MAP taped to it.
I mapped the little park-y area in front of our apartment, with landmarks she’s familiar with.
Let me go find it for you. BRB.
— Jason Robinson ? (@VafeR) March 30, 2020
Found it!
(Also, I should have clarified previously: my trip to the mall was BEFORE all the social distancing. We are well, and properly sequestered.)
— Jason Robinson ? (@VafeR) March 30, 2020
The map (drawn by my mother in-law! ?) Marks a path of four familiar landmarks that Emma will know…
— Jason Robinson ? (@VafeR) March 30, 2020
…leading to a fifth! A pile of rocks and a pinecone, which I set up this morning atop a tiny irrigation tunnel.
— Jason Robinson ? (@VafeR) March 30, 2020
Pardon me while I go hide THIS ENVELOPE (which contains the key to the box) in the tunnel. ?
— Jason Robinson ? (@VafeR) March 30, 2020
Alright. Quest is set to begin. I’ll update you all later…
We’re gonna go get a ladder.
— Jason Robinson ? (@VafeR) March 30, 2020
— Jason Robinson ? (@VafeR) March 31, 2020
So, the adventure was NOT disappointing.
This GIF about sums it up though — the moment Emma placed the envelope on the map and realized it HAD THE SAME X! ?
— Jason Robinson ? (@VafeR) March 31, 2020
Here is the moment she discovers the key ??!
— Jason Robinson ? (@VafeR) March 31, 2020
Since I know you’re all wondering…
— Jason Robinson ? (@VafeR) March 31, 2020
I mean: it’s plastic! But it’s SOOOOO SPARKLY. ?
— Jason Robinson ? (@VafeR) March 31, 2020
“What is ‘mysterious places’”?
— Jason Robinson ? (@VafeR) March 31, 2020
“I’m a great finder!”
— Jason Robinson ? (@VafeR) March 31, 2020
Thanks for following us on this little adventure!
Emma is feeling very princessy tonight. ??
Stay safe, friends.
— Jason Robinson ? (@VafeR) March 31, 2020
After Jason’s delightful story went viral, he came back to his thread to update his Emma’s new fans.
I woke up this morning to find 15k likes and over a million views on the tweet at the top of this thread. ?
When I saw Emma this morning, she was wearing her necklace and asked me to address her a “Princess”.
I asked her more about who put the box in the roof…
— Jason Robinson ? (@VafeR) March 31, 2020
She tells me it was *probably* “an invisible monkey.” ??♂️
Anyhow, here’s a good-morning hello from Princess:
— Jason Robinson ? (@VafeR) March 31, 2020
This is literally the best thing ever. What an adorable little girl and an amazing dad. We do hope this has made you smile as much as we did!