This Viral Post Perfectly Describes What Romance Is – And How to Get it Right

This Viral Post Perfectly Describes What Romance Is – And How to Get it Right
Romance isn’t all about flowers and chocolates and intimate dinners in fancy restaurants. It is much more than that, as one woman has discovered.
Brittney Johnson was shopping at the Sally’s Beauty Supply in Columbia, Missouri when she saw a man trying to pick out the perfect nail polish colour for his wife. She was so touched by his actions that she snapped a photo of him and posted it on Facebook, explaining why in her viral post:
“I’m sorry, sir, whoever you are.. for posting a pic of your back side for the world to see.. BUT I couldn’t help it.
This man was on the phone with his wife, looking so hard for the EXACT Olive colored nail polish that she wanted. “I got this, I got this, I’ll be home in a bit.”
Then he took a picture and sent it to her and she called to help him. He says “Ok, so I sent you the pic. Is that the right one? You wanna know the colors close to it? You just want all three colors??”
Effort. Showing someone that whatever is special to them means something to you because they want it, or need it, or just really like it.
Putting yourself a little out of your comfort zone.
Letting yourself feel foolish sometimes for the sake of making your girl (or man) happy.
It’s still so cool to me.. the idea of romance.. not being flowers and cards and candy.. but being time, and proof that you’ve actually listened, and support of the things that set that person’s soul on fire. Marrying your best friend, being all for ONE person, that’s still pretty cool.
Don’t settle for less than that y’all. Somebody, somewhere, will love you enough to go shopping alone for your favorite nail polish. 😉 “
She’s absolutely right! Romance is being thoughtful, patient and kind. Going that extra mile for your partner without seeking recognition for it, just because you love them.