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Wearing Yoga Pants In Public – Can You Be Too Fat or Too Old? One Man Says YES!

yoga pants

Wearing Yoga Pants In Public – Can You Be Too Fat or Too Old? One Man Says YES!

One gentlemen in the United States has caused an absolute uproar. Alan Sorrentino misguidedly penned a scathing letter to his local newspaper criticizing anyone over the age of 20 for daring to wear yoga pants in public. He’s had enough and he’s not going to take it anymore.

You cannot make this stuff up. 2016 has been a crazy year.

Here is Alan’s ridiculous letter to the editor of his local newspaper.

yoga pants

Adorable on children and young women who have the benefit of nature’s blessings of youth!

Bizarre and disturbing!

Unforgiving perspective!

The spector (sic) of someone coping poorly with their weight or advancing age!

Tailored slacks!

The lunacy of this man’s letter is the gift that keeps on giving.

Unfortunately for poor Alan, the newspaper also published his residential address. This is where the most awesome Jamie Patrice of Providence comes in. She wasn’t having it either.

Jamie organised a peaceful protest in Alan’s front yard. The protesters swelled in numbers to around 300 strong, and waved body-positive placards while wearing yoga pants!

yoga pants protest
Suck it, Alan.
yoga pants protest
I bet Alan REALLY hates these pants.

Jamie Patrice wrote on her Facebook, ‘So happy that with the national election, local election… and all the other serious s**t happening around us THIS s**t was given ink.”

Women at the protest argued that it wasn’t just about Sorrentino, but also the anger they feel at being constantly told what to wear.

Jamie Burke, another one of the parade’s organisers, said ‘women are fed up with the policing of our wardrobe’ and that Sorrentino’s words had struck her ‘in the gut’, she told the Providence Journal.

The group help up posters that read ‘Love Yourself’ and ‘We Wear What We Want’ as they walked by Sorrentino’s house.

Women who attended the march donated items to a local shelter for victims of domestic violence. The company Dear Kate also donated 100 yoga pants to the home.

Sorrentino has since claimed that the column was supposed to be a joke. Yeah right, nice back pedaling, Alan! He also said that the response it received was ‘over-the-top crazy‘.

‘To target somebody’s home for a letter in the paper is disgusting,’ Sorrentino said. ‘A joke is designed to fool people; those people were fooled.’ 

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Alan Sorrentino, probably really regretting his decision.

Sorrentino said that at the end of the day he has no problem with yoga pants and even owns a pair himself. Aren’t you glad I couldn’t find that image!

‘Wear the yoga pants all you want,’ he said. ‘But if you knew what guys were saying behind your back when you had them on, maybe you wouldn’t.’   

So was it a joke or did he mean it? That last sentence would indicate that he intended every single word.

This writer is not ashamed to admit that she is currently wearing yoga pants. I did not put them on for the article, I just realised that I have them on. I am neither under the age of 20 nor a lady considered by anyone to be “svelte”. And I have never even attempted yoga. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Alan.

What do you think? Should there be an unwritten rule about the public wearing of yoga pants or are you firmly in the “I wear what I want” camp?

Images: Google Images

Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!