We’ve Found the Worst Life Hacks Ever, and They Are Hilarious!!

We’ve Found the Worst Life Hacks Ever, and They Are Hilarious!!
We all love a good life hack — ones that make our everyday lives so much simpler, better organised and with extra cash in our pockets. Those life hacks are the good ones. These life hacks, well, they are not.
Twitter user Jess McGuire posted photos taken from a British women’s magazine called Chat, which is much like Take 5 or That’s Life. The photos are from the section of the mag where readers send in their best tips and tricks to make life easier.
While the readers were paid for their contributions, their ideas are woefully hilarious and the thought of anyone actually doing any of these makes us crack up.
Seriously, would you try any of these terrible life hacks?
1. Keep your hands warm with an old tea bag
2. Make your own povvo coasters out of pie trays
3. Instead of drinking your cuppa while it’s still hot, put a teapot lid on it to keep it warm for later
4. Keep your kids from hurting themselves by sticking a thin cardboard cereal box on the corners of your tables
5. Speaking of cereal, why not give ‘Granny’s Cereal’ a go?
6. I’d rather have blood all over my shirt, thanks
7. Ladies, save this one to your Halloween Pinterest boards immediately so you don’t forget it
8. Or, you know… don’t
9. Another attractive look
10. This is a terrible idea
11. Do not do this 
12. This stupid egg idea earned the reader more than a hundred Aussie dollars
13. Love the hat, Anita
14. This is not a fab idea at all
15. Much easier than just opening Google Maps and following the directions
16. How many other vegetables did Ian rub onto his new kicks before he discovered that a spud was a goer?
17. Create an attractive door by sticky taping magazine clippings onto it 
18. Why. Why would anyone do this? 
Source: Twitter/Jess McGuire
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