Wife Is Shamed Online For Admitting To Making Her Husband’s Lunch Each Morning!

Wife Is Shamed Online For Admitting To Making Her Husband’s Lunch Each Morning!
A wife shared a photo of the lunch she makes for her husband each morning and the comments it received got a little heated!
The image was shared on a Facebook page called Budget Friendly Meals Australia which has over 79,000 members and is used as platform for people to share their budget friendly meals with others.
In the photo, the content of the lunch can be seen as an assortment of sandwiches, cheese, crackers and deli meat. The wife explained that it’s “cheaper, fresher and healthier” than the takeaway available on many work sites.
While there is absolutely nothing wrong with the lunch itself it seems the issue was with gender roles in 2020.
Picture: Facebook/BudgetFriendlyMealsAustralia
Some think that in today’s world, a woman should not be ‘lowering herself’ and preparing her husband’s lunch, even if it’s something she enjoys doing. Here are some of the comments the image provoked:
“Do we have to feed them during the day now too?”
“Why can’t he do it himself?”
“This is 2020 not 1950!”
In fact there were so many negative comments against the initial poster that the admins were forced to step in and delete them for being too controversial.
“No more comments about whether you agree or disagree with packing your significant other’s lunch for them,” she said.
“Each to their own, nobody is forcing you to pack (this woman’s) husband’s lunch. Move on if you don’t agree with it.”
The fact that the wife was doing something loving for her husband was completely lost on people who labelled her as nothing more than a ‘bored homemaker.’
Many defended the wife after the administrator told people to stop commenting so negatively. Especially as people are free to do whatever the hell they like in their own households!
One woman admitted she writes loving messages on the lid of her husband’s lunch box every morning, while another said she once mixed up her husband’s lunch with their son’s, much to the amusement of his colleagues.
What’s wrong with that anyway? I think it’s sweet!
Another woman said her mother still packs snacks and lunches for her middle-aged father who drives long distances to work in a coal mine every week.
Awwwww!! Cute!
While another commented this on the Facebook post: “I make my partners lunch every night and I get up at 6am to pack it in his esky. Sometimes I hate doing it so I don’t but 98% of the time I like to feel like he’s being cared for as we don’t have much time to spend together. Sometimes I even put a post it note in there to tell him I love him.”
Images: Facebook