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Woman Admits To Breastfeeding A Stranger’s Baby To See “What It Felt Like!”

Woman Admits To Breastfeeding A Stranger’s Baby To See “What It Felt like!”

So here’s a funny story. One night during a house party, a 20 something woman found herself bored with nothing to do and decided to wander around to explore her surroundings. She found herself in a room that was being used to store the guest’s coats and bags when she noticed two bright eyes staring up at her from the corner. It was a little baby who was wide awake in it’s cot. Drawn to the him, she found herself walking over and picking him up. As she cradled him in her arms she felt an inexplicable desire to open her blouse and breast feed him- just to see what it felt like. Which is when the father of the baby walked in…

The woman in the story is columnist Leah McLaren and the baby’s father was in fact Michael Chong, who is now a well-known Canadian politician and member of the conservative party. McLaren shared her experience of the breastfeeding incident, which occurred nearly 10 years ago now, in a column titled The joy (and politics) of breastfeeding someone else’s baby. Excerpts of the strange tale even appeared in the Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail.

The father of the baby and Canadian politician Michael Chong

When the story first became public many were left wondering whether it was in fact made up. And why a woman would seem to ‘boast’ about it in such a public forum. In her essay, McLaren says she was feeling “broody in the way that young women in their late 20s often are.”

When the incident happened she had no children and no experience of breastfeeding- and more importantly no milk in her breasts!

“I walked into a bedroom with coats piled high on the bed,” McLaren wrote, “and noticed that in the corner, sitting wide-awake in a little portable car seat, was the cutest baby I’d ever seen. I smiled at the baby and the baby smiled back, I leaned over and gingerly picked him up.”

Having a baby so close to her chest must have stirred up some maternal feelings for McLaren who continued.

“Somehow, my pinky finger ended up in her mouth and I was astonished at the strength of his sucking reflex. ‘C’mon lady,’ said his eyes.”
“Would it be so bad, I wondered, if I just tried it out — just for a minute — just to see what it felt like?” she explained.

The startled father walked in at precisely that moment and grabbed the baby out of her arms. Who knows what was going through his mind? Can you imagine walking into a room and finding a stranger with her shirt open ready to breastfeed your baby?! I definitely wouldn’t have been as calm as this dad was.

While this story has somehow resurfaced again, Chong says it’s no big deal and happened so long ago that everyone should really just forget about it. He even commented on twitter that there are more important things to worry about.

So my question to you is this. What would you have done if you walked in to see another woman trying to breastfeed your child. Initially we would all be flabbergasted I’m sure, but would it make a difference if the woman was known to us- ie. a good friend? Also would it be better if the woman was a lactating mum herself? So many questions!!

(If you want to read the full story of the night as told by Mclaren herself click here. )



Chrystal Lovevintage

Chrystal Lovevintage

Chrystal is a writer and blogger who loves nothing more than watching back to back episodes of crime shows. Should she ever find herself needing to cover up a crime, she'll know exactly what to do! Her dream is to one day live in Palm Springs where she can do her writing poolside while drinking endless gin and tonics. Mum to the cutest twin boys in the world, she loves nothing more than the sound of their laughter (usually heard when they're conspiring against her). Entertainment writer and pop culture junkie, she will be bringing you all the celebrity gossip and news that your brain can handle. You can follow her blog at and on Instagram at Chrystalovevintage