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Woman Admits To Feeding Daughter’s Friend Meat And Dairy Despite Knowing She’s Vegan

Woman Admits To Feeding Daughter’s Friend Meat And Dairy Despite Knowing She’s Vegan


A mum wants to know whether she’s doing the wrong thing by feeding her daughter’s friend meat despite knowing she’s a strict vegan. In fact she thinks the little girl ends up looking healthier once she’s eaten some meat and dairy. Is the mum doing the wrong thing?

Natalie’s 12 year old daughter has a friend who comes from a strict vegan household, yet enjoys eating meat when she visits the house. The mum admits to cooking up dinners of burgers and steak and feeds them to the little girl without her parent’s permission.

“Her parents are nice people although a bit on the neurotic side. ‘M’ is bright young girl and she’s a good friend to my daughter, but I noticed how much smaller and paler she is compared to my daughter. I think it’s likely tied to her family’s diet,” Natalie says on Reddit.

“So whenever she is over I always make a big meaty meal for them. Last weekend, I made some cheeseburgers and steak for them on the grill with a big glass of milk.”

The friend never says no to the food and in fact looks forward to eating the forbidden meals whenever she’s over.

“M absolutely loves it and always politely asks for more (which I happily provide). For snacks I give them some of my venison jerky. For breakfast I typically make a big plate of scrambled eggs and bacon again with a big glass of milk. Despite her size M always wolfs down whatever I make. And I have to say every time she leaves it looks like she has a healthy glow to her.”

Natalie knows what she is doing is wrong but believes children need to be including meat, dairy and eggs into their diet.

“I know I probably shouldn’t be doing this but I think M is a bit malnourished (nothing against vegans or anything). She knows she’ll get in big trouble if she tells her folks. (I think she fibs a bit to her parents about what she eats.)”

She then asks the Reddit community: “AITA for letting my daughter’s vegan friend eat meat?”

Most Redditors agreed that it was not the woman’s place to defy her parents and give her meat. Regardless of what her personal opinion may be.

“‘I think M is a bit malnourished’ is where I deemed you the a**hole. You are absolutely judging her family, and her family’s diet, and you are doing this out of some misguided form of activism. You think you’re the hero here saving her from some injustice,” one stated.

“I had a relative do an elimination diet when she was sick and found not eating meat made her feel a lot better. It wasn’t a moral choice to go vegan it was because it made her body feel better. And I’m guessing when that kid goes home having large quantities of milk let alone meat when her systems not use to it she’s going to be in pain later.”

Another suggested that the child was old enough to make up her own mind about what she eats.

“My only thoughts are that at 12, her friend is certainly old enough to decide if she wants to be vegan or not. I suspect her choosing not to be would not be well received at home hence her sneaking around.”

Another person commented saying there was no way the young girl ‘looked healthier’ after just one meal of meat.

“Also, you’re not gonna make enough of a difference to where you can see a healthy glow that wasn’t there before after a sleepover. If there’s actually a glow, it’s probably just because she’s happy after having an amazing time with her friend!”

What do you think? Is it wrong to feed someone else’s child a food they are forbidden to have at home?


Images: Pixabay

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Chrystal Lovevintage

Chrystal Lovevintage

Chrystal is a writer and blogger who loves nothing more than watching back to back episodes of crime shows. Should she ever find herself needing to cover up a crime, she'll know exactly what to do! Her dream is to one day live in Palm Springs where she can do her writing poolside while drinking endless gin and tonics. Mum to the cutest twin boys in the world, she loves nothing more than the sound of their laughter (usually heard when they're conspiring against her). Entertainment writer and pop culture junkie, she will be bringing you all the celebrity gossip and news that your brain can handle. You can follow her blog at and on Instagram at Chrystalovevintage