Woman Discovers Her Engagement Ring Was Originally Meant For Another Woman!

Woman Discovers Her Engagement Ring Was Originally Meant For Another Woman!
When asking for your partner’s hand in marriage it’s generally a good idea to use a ring that hasn’t been used before. And by used we mean it wasn’t ever intended for a previous girlfriend!
One man found himself in this exact situation when he admitted to recycling a 5 year old engagement ring to propose to his current fiancé. Taking to discussion forum Reddit, the man is asking whether the move was ‘really that bad?’
“The ring had one big diamond in the middle and then two smaller diamonds on the side,” he described in the post. “Cost me an arm and a leg, but it was the only ring that caught my eye so I bought it.”
The ring wasn’t exactly used for a proposal but the ex girlfriend was aware of it. “My then-girlfriend knew about the ring because of the fitting, but she never wore the completed version of it nor did I end up proposing to her,” he wrote, saying that they eventually broke up.
That soon led into a conversation about his proposal, and suddenly, they were talking about the ring. Which prompted the woman to start gushing about her ring once again saying how much she loved it and how thankful she was.
Instead of just smiling and saying ‘you’re welcome’ the man decided to reveal a whole lot more. “She thanked me and said something about how beautiful it was and I accidentally said something like, ‘I’m just glad I didn’t sell it 5 years ago.'”
Can you just imagine the silence in the room?
“She questioned me about what I meant by five years and sell so I told her the truth,” he admitted. “She went all mad and told me that I was a cheap a–hole trying to give her a hand-me-down ring,” he recalled. “She took it off, opened the window, tossed it out and locked herself in our bedroom.”
OMG! He’s lucky he didn’t get tossed out the window with it!
“I’m still outside now, hours later, trying to look for the bloody ring/giving her space,” he continued. “I don’t even know what I’m going to do when I find it. Do I give it back or do I keep it for the next girl? (Just kidding! It’s a joke).”
Wow! The guy even has the balls to joke about this?! Brave man.
Commenters on Reddit were quick to side with the wife saying they’d be kinda pissed too.
“I sort of understand where she’s coming from, but really?” he asked. “It’s still a nice ring and I spent months trying to think of a special [message] to engrave on it just for her. Besides, an engagement ring is only temporary so I don’t understand the big fuss.”
“No-brainer, of course it’s sh—y to give someone a ring that was meant someone else … ” one person wrote.
“You are basically saying that you put no thought into the ring for her,” another person explained.
“OP didn’t consider his fiancée’s wants/personality in the proposal at all, it was a matter of convenience,” another person shared. “I’d be p—ed too to know that such a special, intimate event was planned for someone else and I got the recycled version that’s been sitting in a drawer for five years. It’s not just about a second hand ring, it was lazy and impersonal. I also wouldn’t want to wear a symbol of my partner’s previous failed relationship, like wtf.”
And this. “As a woman, I can absolutely see why that would upset her,” one person wrote. “She feels like you didn’t put any effort towards choosing a ring specifically for HER. That kind of thing is a big deal to most women. That being said, her reaction was way out of proportion IMO.”
What do you think? Was her reaction over the top? What would you have done in this situation? Would you even care?
IMAGES: Pixabay