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Mum Says Husband Is Convinced 1-Year-Old Son Is “Showing Signs” Of Being Gay Because He Likes Peeling Bananas

Mum Says Husband Is Convinced 1-Year-Old Son Is “Showing Signs” Of Being Gay Because He Likes Peeling Bananas

A concerned woman has sought advice after her husband consistently brought up suggestions that their baby son might be gay after showing an interest in normal baby things.

The behaviour that the father was so worried about includes liking books “too much”, wanting to touch flowers in the garden, and enjoying peeling and eating bananas.

The mother’s post appeared in a relationship advice subreddit.

Yikes. The only signs I can see here are red flags.

The mum went on to add that her husband has never shown signs of being homophobic before, but she is worried that her husband won’t truly accept their son if he is gay. She was determined that his weird comments need to stop.

Many others agreed.

“Who thinks a baby eating a banana is in any way sexual? That is messed up. Maybe he has some deeper issues going on – like possibly himself being sexually abused or sexualised in childhood? I would almost seek out counselling on this one cause somethin ain’t right here,” wrote one user.

“Maybe he’s had gay thoughts and feels guilty about it. Either way, he should get counselling,” added another.

“Counselling sounds like a good plan,” wrote another Redditor. “His behaviour isn’t normal and what if your son happens to be more into ‘feminine’ things or homosexual? He’ll grow up hating himself and feeling something is wrong with him if your husband continues this behaviour.”

Babies are not born feeling ashamed, embarrassed or guilty about their bodies and behaviours deemed to be sexual. They learn these attitudes from the verbal and non-verbal messages they receive from their parents and other adults during their early years.

Forcing our attitudes and opinions on babies and toddlers based on what we believe to be normal behaviour can be damaging to a child’s natural development and their relationship with their own body.

Nothing this baby is doing is any indication of a sexual preference he might have later in life and this dad needs to pull his head in.


Source: Reddit/Relationship Advice

Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!

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