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Woman Flees Her Boyfriend’s Surprise Proposal Attempt in Front of a Full Sports Stadium

Woman Flees Her Boyfriend’s Surprise Proposal Attempt in Front of a Full Sports Stadium

There are a lot of common protocols in life, and one of them is to never “pop the question” in a public setting if you haven’t discussed and agreed on marriage plans beforehand. Otherwise, you end up in situations like this one.

A man was left frozen in shock when his romantic idea to propose in front of thousands of people backfired as the woman fled the scene as quickly as she could.

The nightmare fuel went down in a recent minor league baseball game at Polar Park in Massachusetts, USA, in front of a stadium full of people and projected onto the big screen for all to see.

A man was filmed getting down on one knee holding a small jewellery box with a ring before the woman he hoped to spend the rest of his life with.

It was then that things took a dramatic turn for the worse.


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It appears that the man’s shocked partner was not prepared for this big moment and desperately chose to nope the hell out of there. Understandably too, we can only imagine that being caught off guard in front of thousands of strangers during a surprise proposal would be impossibly stressful. This sends my anxiety through the roof just watching it!

As the woman ran to the edge of the platform she was standing on and told the crowd she had “got to go”, her shocked boyfriend was left in dismay, frozen on his knee with a look of utter confusion on his face.

He obviously didn’t know his girlfriend well enough to realise that she wasn’t ready for marriage and didn’t want a very public proposal, which is kind of a big hint that this wouldn’t go well for him.

It’s also never a good idea to propose in public as there is a lot of societal pressure to say yes in front of a crowd — nobody wants to be embarrassed before hundreds of people. Even if it was not intended, there is a manipulative element involved in getting her to “say yes” even if she wants to say no, as is her absolute right.

Unless you’ve discussed it with your partner beforehand or are prepared to lose a LOT of face, never, ever propose in public.


Source: Instagram/wtwmass

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Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!