Woman Seeks Divorce From Husband Because She Can’t Handle All His Love And Affection!

Woman Seeks Divorce From Husband Because She Can’t Handle All His Love And Affection!
A woman from the United Arab Emirates is asking for a divorce from her husband claiming she can’t handle his ‘extreme love and affection.’
Yes, you heard that right! According to the woman, this poor guy is TOO loving. Gives her TOO MUCH attention and does EVERYTHING she asks. Poor thing. Can you imagine the hell she has to live in?
The ‘suffocated’ woman says she’s seeking a divorce from a Sharia court in Fujariah, United Arab Emirates, because he showers her with gifts and cleans the house without being asked, it has been reported.
According to the wife he has never started an argument with her, never yelled, never disagreed with her and is ALWAYS KIND! The woman claims her life was “hell” because of his “cruel-free treatment”, English language UAE newspaper Khaleej Times reports.
She’s had enough of this treatment and just wants out of their one year marriage. “His love and compassion are so over the top” she just wants a divorce.
She told the court: “I am choked by his extreme love and affection. He even assisted me in cleaning the house without me asking him.”
OMG! Can you imagine! The poor woman must have been horrified to come home and find the house spotless. How scary for her!
When she called him ‘fat’ and said he should go on a diet he did exactly that. In fact he was so committed to exercising that the tough regime left him with a broken leg.
“I am eagerly longing for a single day of dispute, but this seems impossible with my romantic husband who always forgave me and showered me with daily gifts. I need a real discussion, even an argument, not this hassle-free life full of obedience,” the tormented woman stated.
Pleading to the court, the husband said he was only new to marriage and would work on being a better husband. “It’s not fair to judge a marriage from the first year, and everybody learns from their mistakes. I am and always wish to be a perfect and kind husband,” he said.
Our hearts go out to this poor woman who must be at her wit’s end with the constant gifts and flowers. I mean seriously, how much love can one woman take? Enough already! The courts have dismissed the claim and have asked the couple to try and work out the problem themselves. We wish them the best of luck!
Images: Pixabay