Woman Shares Hilarious Warning After Her Brand New Car Read a Very NSFW Text to Her Boss

Woman Shares Hilarious Warning After Her Brand New Car Read a Very NSFW Text to Her Boss
Technology sure is amazing, especially the stuff that comes standard in new cars these days. My first car didn’t even have a CD player or electric windows, and if you wanted to use the air conditioner you had to toggle the choke otherwise it would stall at the lights. Gosh we’ve come a long way since my little ’84 Laser.
Nowadays, cars have Bluetooth everything, maps that appear on the dash (RIP my well-thumbed pocket Gregory’s in the glovebox) and cameras everywhere. They even reverse park for you!
Unfortunately for this UK mum of four, they also read your text messages at inopportune times!
Twitter user Twinks recently shared with her followers the joy she felt when she picked up her brand new car, a nifty-looking grey Volkswagon Golf.
Very nice! What a lovely little car. Kind of a shame that she wasn’t listening when the salesman told her what all the buttons did though…
That is an infinitely wise decision, Twinks.
Unfortunately, though, it will probably still pick up the texts via Bluetooth. And now that Kerry knows that her texts are being read out by your car she’ll probably start sending you random texts that simply say “douche noggin'” or perhaps “cockwaffle” or “fuckbucket”.
But still, there is a solid warning in this for everyone. Especially if you make a habit of having frank discussions with good friends and driving your nanna about in your new tech-loaded car.
Source: Twitter/Twinks