Work Experience Kid Given Control of Corporate Twitter Account Absolutely Nails It

Work Experience Kid Given Control of Corporate Twitter Account Absolutely Nails It
Do you remember doing work experience in high school? For a lot of us, it is our first real taste of being a grown up — all alone in an adult environment learning about new things without a familiar face for moral support. It can be an exciting, eye-opening and daunting experience.
One 15-year-old school kid from the UK was thrown into the deep end during his work experience this week. Eddie was put in charge of Southern Rail’s Twitter account. And instead of being roasted by angry commuters for all the problems that often come with public transport, he became something of a legend.
He started his career with a somewhat-naive yet cheerful tweet:
Hi, Eddie here! Here on Work Experience and ready to answer your questions! ?
— Southern (@SouthernRailUK) July 11, 2017
Instead of commuters asking why their trains were often delayed or blaming him for their rail-related issues, they responded with kindness, no doubt remembering their days doing work experience in their teens.
This gentleman had a real stumper for Eddie.
Hi Eddie! Would you rather fight 1 horse sized duck or 100 duck sized horse? ?
— Adam Winstone (@adam_winstone) July 11, 2017
100 duck-sized horses. A horse-sized duck would be pretty scary! You? ^Eddie
— Southern (@SouthernRailUK) July 11, 2017
I don’t think I’ve got the stamina to fight 100 of anything. I’m taking my chances with the giant duck ?
— Adam Winstone (@adam_winstone) July 11, 2017
Suite yourself, a horse-sized duck would be pretty ferocious ? ^Eddie
— Southern (@SouthernRailUK) July 11, 2017
You’re wise beyond your years Eddie. Keep it up!
— Adam Winstone (@adam_winstone) July 11, 2017
Thanks, Adam! Have a good day 🙂 ^Eddie
— Southern (@SouthernRailUK) July 11, 2017
The questions kept coming, and Eddie kept answering them!
Hi Eddie can you drive a train ?
— Peter Wilson (@rsolondon) July 11, 2017
No, not yet. I am 15 ?. ^Eddie
— Southern (@SouthernRailUK) July 11, 2017
Hi Eddie, serious question this time How do you cook the right amount of pasta so you don’t end up with enough to feed the street? #AskEddie
— Jules Graham (@_julesgraham_) July 11, 2017
Hi, if you need the correct amount, always start off with around 200g per person, then build up depending on how much 1/2
— Southern (@SouthernRailUK) July 11, 2017
Eddie, clear something up for me… what is covfefe? #askeddie
— Simon Robb (@SimonRobb85) July 12, 2017
I don’t know. @realDonaldTrump please clear this up? ^Eddie
— Southern (@SouthernRailUK) July 12, 2017
Plenty of followers gave young Eddie praise for how he handled the company’s twitter account.
Eddie, you’ve totally smashed this today – hope they’ll give you a permanent job running the account.
— Rob ❄️ (@angrychutney) July 11, 2017
Reading this thread, you’re great at this Eddie. They should give a job right now! ???
— si egan (@sufiboy) July 11, 2017
Someone give this boy a permanent job! #AskEddie
— Jules Graham (@_julesgraham_) July 11, 2017
Huge respect to you Eddie! Smashing it mate
— John Brown (@brownbare) July 11, 2017
Southern Rail has made an official statement since Eddie took their office by storm:
“We are pleased to have given Eddie an insight into working life in our social media team and are thrilled to see that he won over so many of our customers yesterday. We have been very impressed at his quick-wit and positive approach at the age of just 15.
“Eddie’s takeover was embraced by Twitter, with the #AskEddie hashtag quickly adopted.”
Thanks everyone for an amazing week. Signing off but not forever.. Watch this space! 😉 ^Eddie #AskEddie
— Southern (@SouthernRailUK) July 14, 2017
Isn’t this just the sweetest thing ever? Well done Eddie! We hope you are having a terrific time at your work experience placement. And best of luck scoring your dream job in whatever industry your heart desires.
Source: Twitter/Southern Rail UK