Boxed Play – Craft Activities Giveaway

Craft! What’s not to love about it. I mean besides coming up with new and exciting ideas, oh and the mess factor. My children and I always enjoy the experience because let’s face it, it is fun. Although it encourages creativity and communication and provides an opportunity for us to sit and do something together, I have to admit, we don’t do it nearly as often as we probably should. Finding materials for craft activities can be both time consuming and costly (you can never just buy the few feathers, or pipe cleaners that you need).
So when I was given the opportunity to review Boxed Play – Craft Activities I jumped at the chance (and the fact that it arrived during the school holidays was no small stroke of luck I might add!) That lovely storage tub of materials along with the activity envelopes saved my sanity on more than one occasion, and turned many a miserable wet Melbourne day stuck at home, into a few hours spent together sitting at the kitchen table talking and doing craft together.
What is Boxed Play?
Boxed Play is a craft package which you can buy as a one off, or subscribe to so you receive it on a regular basis. Inside is everything you need, along with easy to follow step by step instructions for different projects and experiences.
The initial package contains the following and is ideal for two children:
• Paint Brushes
• Foam Brushes/Rollers
• Scissors
• Glue Sticks
• Pencils
• Crayons
• Paint Pots
• Messy Mats
• Spare Paper
• Playdough Tools
• INCLUDED 10 Step by Step Craft Idea Envelopes
• Complete in a Robust Storage Container
I particularly loved the fact that EVERYTHING we needed for the activities were included and the instructions also included other resources and extensions we could use in conjunction with the craft subject. (For example whilst making jellyfish we talked about where jellyfish lived, what they looked like and what we might do if we saw one at the beach, and we watched and sang a Jellyfish song on the ipad.)
The hard work of deciding what we should do had already been done for me, all we had to do was pick an envelope and play! What’s more everything gets packed back into the sturdy craft box at the end of each activity, and it is light enough to take with us when we visit the grandparents!
For more information go to
Boxed Play would like give one Mums Lounge reader the 3 month starter kit
valued at $130
To enter simply follow the instructions on the rafflecopter widget below. Good luck!
Disclosure: I received this product free for the purpose of reviewing it. However all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.