Ladyship Organic Essence Extractor Review and Giveaway (RRP $379.95)

For the past few weeks my family and I have been putting the Ladyship Organic Essence Extractor LS-658 through it’s paces, and I’ll be honest with you, I am more than a little bit smitten with it. For as long as I can remember, Hubby and I have lusted after one of those fan-dangle juicer machines (you know the ones where you put in the whole apple). Limited kitchen space, and funds have meant that we’ve never managed to make the purchase though, so when I was offered the opportunity to review the Ladyship machine, I did a happy dance around my kitchen before emailing back an emphatic ‘yes please.’
Despite doing the job of 9 machines (blender, juicer, food processor, nut milk maker, soy milk maker, coffee machine, ice crusher, cocktail/mocktail maker, and a grinder) the Ladyship takes up next to no space on my kitchen bench, and looks nice enough to leave on the bench top permanently (instead of packing it into the cupboard when not in use). And to be honest, it now gets used several times a day anyway…I’m even loving green smoothies (despite thinking previously that they looked totally unappealing).
I haven’t managed to get the kids onto the green smoothies yet, but we’ve been experimenting, and the watermelon and strawberry slushy definitely ranked highly, along with the guacamole, the ice-cream we made just from frozen bananas, and the batter mix that made the most perfect fluffy yorkshire puddings I have ever pulled out of the oven! I even use it now to chop the onions – no more watery panda eyes for me! This week I’m going to be trying a chocolate chilli mousse recipe I found in it – I’ll let you know how that turns out!
The Ladyship Organic Essence Extractor (yes, it is a bit of a mouthful), comes with 2 filters (one coarse and one fine) that slot easily into the jug, allowing you to control the smoothness. The #1 filter removes 99% of the pulp used for juicing, nut milks etc, and the #3 filter which allows almost all the pulp through, is more suited to soups and purees. When I’m knocking up a green smoothy I tend to leave the filters out completely, and it is always beautifully smooth…and I can throw in the whole fruit or veg – skin and all!
One of the features of the Ladyship that I particularly love is the unique safety system, that ensures that the machine cannot be turned on unless the jar lid is locked safely into place – so there is absolutely no danger of little fingers coming into contact with moving blades and I can involve my children in the preparation of healthy food.
Cleaning is also super-easy (which is also a big selling point for me!) As awesome as this machine is, I would probably lose interest pretty quickly if I had to disassemble and reassemble it to try to clean it each time. I usually half fill it with warm water and a tiny drop of detergent, and turn it to on for a few seconds for a high power rinse to get any stubborn spots off the jug (which I should also mention is BPA free) – and then I wash and rinse it in in the sink and leave it to dry. Done!
And let’s not forget the tap on the jug that allows you to pour it straight into your glass without any mess. (Although I admit, I did accidentally leave it open once and it took me a few sec onds to realise that the coconut water that I was pouring into the top, was pouring straight out of the tap and puddling on my kitchen bench. But that was clearly a fault with the workman not the tools! lol!)
You can see the Ladyship in action for yourself in the video below. The children and I have already made a few of these apple juices and they are delicious (without a dirty old preservative or food colouring in sight! You’ve got to love that!)
Ladyship are offering Mums Lounge readers the chance to WIN one of their Organic Essence Extractor LS-658 valued at $379.95. I’m already excited for the lucky winner – seriously, this machine is the bomb, and I have absolutely no reservations in recommending it.
To enter, follow the instructions on the rafflecopter widget below. Good luck!
Disclaimer: This is NOT a sponsored post. I was given a Ladyship Organic Essence Extractor for the purpose of this review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. However, I am so impressed with this product that I have decided to join their affiliate program.