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Reviewers Wanted: 2 Night Stay at Discovery Park with Your Family

Reviewers Wanted: 2 Night Stay at Discovery Park with Your Family

Do you live in Queensland, New South Wales, or Victoria? Would you love to get away for a mini break with your family these Easter school holidays? Of course you would!

We are looking for three families to pack their bags for a two-night stay at one of the fantastic Discovery Parks between 21st April – 1st May.* In return we ask that you share your honest feedback about your trip with other Aussie families. But don’t worry, we’ll make it super-easy. At the end of the review period you’ll be required to fill out a survey and send through photographs of you and your family enjoying the activities that your chosen Discovery Park has to offer.

Reviewers can nominate their preferred location from the list of Parks below.

VIC: Geelong, Echuca, Warnnambool, Lake Hume

NSW: Warnnambool, Lake Hume, Moama, Maidens Inn, Forster

QLD: Harvey Bay, Tannum Sands, Rockhampton

*Subject to availability

We highly recommend visiting the Discovery Park website here to find out more about each location before making your selection. Each park offers a selection of family friendly activities to make your getaway a fun and memorable experience.

Please note: Reviewers will be given a two night stay in their nominated Discovery Park at no cost to them. However, reviewers are responsible for their own travel costs to and from the venue, and other costs such as food etc. whilst there.

If this opportunity interests you and you can commit to the above requirements, please email with the following:

  1. Your name
  2. Your location
  3. Tell us why you want to be a part of this review.

But hurry! Application period closes on 11.59pm Thursday 30th March.

Only three available spots so get in quick!

Applicants will be sent a survey to complete to be in the running for selection, so be sure to check your email inboxes.




Jolene enjoys writing, sharing and connecting with other like-minded women online – it also gives her the perfect excuse to ignore Mount-Washmore until it threatens to bury her family in an avalanche of Skylander T-shirts and Frozen Pyjama pants. (No one ever knows where the matching top is!) Likes: Reading, cooking, sketching, dancing (preferably with a Sav Blanc in one hand), social media, and sitting down on a toilet seat that one of her children hasn’t dripped, splashed or sprayed on. Dislikes: Writing pretentious crap about herself in online bio’s and refereeing arguments amongst her offspring.


  1. I love my family and I love go explore new places with them.
    I am going to return to work for the first time since having my little girl and we had planned to take a mini family break before this.
    We had put some money aside to do this however we decided to use the money to help sponsor a young man in need so that he could finish his further studies. We decided that we could just stay home together and enjoy one another’s company, maybe go on some day trips etc. It would be so nice to surprise my family with a mini break if positive!

  2. In ten years the 6 of us have never had a family holiday. It would be just what we needed right now. The girls only see their dad on weekends as he works nights and I woke during the day. The girls would be honest but at the same time would love every bit of the mini break .

    Hervey Bay would be fantastic!!!!!

  3. Kellie, Harvey bay. I really need a break and my young family want to try new things and discover things about one another in a discovery environment

  4. We recently moved to Victoria in December and it has been a non stop journey ever since with work and school. Our 2 little girls ages 7 and 19 months have taken it in their stride but unfortunately we just haven’t had an opportunity to stop and take a break and get to know our new state and what it has to offer. This mini break is just what we need to stop and relax and enjoy just being together again

  5. My daughter is a Type 1 diabetic, for the past 3 years we have forgone family holidays to raise money to buy a pump worth $9500. We are a family of 3 children 2 adults. We love travelling as a family & exploring new places having only moved to Australia 8 years ago. Our other children have been supportive with the fundraising and they so deserve to be rewarded for their sacrifices. We would be so appreciative if we were given this opportunity.

    Terri Campbell
    Gold Coast

  6. It’s great to explore new places and create lasting memories with my family that we can look back on and talk about for years to come, it’s always special to try new things and experiences that are offered at different holiday destinations, and even better to share and talk about the experience with others at work or in the community to perhaps allow them to experience it for themselves

  7. I would love get a family holiday or just a get away. Havent had one sinve 2007

  8. I love to travel and experiences new places. I have a love of travel writing just for fun and have an a few social media platforms people follow me on for life and travels. It would be so much to add this experience in.

  9. We are a family of 5 who have been living with mother for just over a year whilst we build a house . We have been living in a 3 bed old 70’s house which is very tight living quarters. I sleep on the lounge next too the basinette and my partner shares fold out bed with younger daughter whilst older one is the only one with a room. We desperately need a holiday as a family again.

  10. Married 3 weeks ago and no honeymoon! Having 3 kids under 6 doesn’t allow for much Mummy and Daddy time! Hervey Bay would be great for us to stay for a few nights away, close enough for the children to be with their Grandparents (we live in Maryborough)! My husband also turns 30 on Good friday and a trip away with him would be the icing on the cake!!! Our fingers are crossed! Xxx

  11. As a working family it is hard to find time and money to get away. This would be amazing escape for us a family whilst on break from uni studying to be a nurse. My young children have never been on holidays as a family as we have not had the means for it. Tannum sands or Hervey Bay would be amazing locations and so much to do. I love taking photos so would love to share the experience and give honest feedback. Goodluck to all

  12. Mother of twins near 3 yr old, and daughter whom is 6. Not had a vacation away. Think the kids are at a good age, for me and my husband to explore. And we vety much could do with this tight now.

  13. Mother of twins near 3 yr old, and daughter whom is 6. Not had a vacation away. Think the kids are at a good age, for me and my husband to explore. And we very much could do with this right now. Would be greatly appreciated. Xxxxx

  14. Id love to take my family on a little getaway and relax .hubby works ridiculously hard and we dont get too much time off to take a holiday.
    Were in queensland

  15. We are a family of 3 (our daughter is 5 years old). We live in Victoria and love to travel within our State as it has so much to offer. We would love to review one of the Victorian locations because we love telling everyone what our adventures have been

  16. My family loves new experience.. one of the reasons why we relocated from USA
    So many beautiful places to experience here in Australia ??

  17. Jacki , Belmont NSW
    Single mum of 3 kids – 16 yr old boy and 2 girls 10 and 8. We don’t get to go on many holidays so when we do we usually take advice from friends and family. Would be great to be able to tell others about an awesome holiday

  18. Twin queensland mumma of two 1 year olds boy and girl and a 4.5 yrold boy. Never had a holiday with all three in desperate need and will review and take photos. Please mums lounge this mumma need a break.
    #discovery break

  19. We are a family of 4 with both boys ASD. I would desperately love a mini holiday! We haven’t been to Harvey bay since our honeymoon in 2000. Near Caboolture, Qld.

  20. Hey there our family would love love love to get away for a mini break.. I feel like this year is our year for luck and we have never won anything.. we have been saving for a family home and sacrificed a lot to get there. I would be the coolest mum if I could tell my family we won this awesome little treat ?

  21. I’d love to win this holiday as my son is now 13 years old and no longer wants to go out with his uncool Mum and Dad! This could be our last holiday together as a family ?

  22. Ipswich QLD

    My husband has just returned from deployment and we haven’t had the chance to reconnect as a family yet. This would be the perfect opportunity to spend some sorely missed quality time together away from the day to day life.

    Hervey Bay would be our preference.

  23. I would LOVE to be considered as I have NEVER been on holiday unless visiting your Grandparents house as a kid counts? Even then I haven’t done that since I was 10.

    Once I moved from Victoria to Sydney by myself at 17, I worked minimal income and kept enough money for rent food and bills and anything extra went to my now 14 year old brother (was 7 at the time) I continued to do this for 7 years.

    Until I had my son who is now 6 months old, and all my spare income goes into him and still sometimes my brother.

    So this has never left me with enough income for a holiday. When I did visit my family in Victoria, I would drive from Sydney to Melbourne and back again over a weekend (Leave Friday afternoon after work 4pm and arrive 4am Saturday morning and leave 8am Sunday morning to be back by 8pm so I could work Monday) , stay at my mother’s house and have enough money for the trip there and back, a movie or bowling for my brother and a McDonald’s meal also with my brother.

    I ended moving back to Victoria a few years ago but ended up taking a pay cut but it allowed me to be with my family more.

    So it would be amazing to go away for a couple of days stress free for once.

  24. I am a single mum doing it tough
    I have a beautiful 7 year old son that is a great kid, sensitive and a beautiful soul doesn’t ask for alot at all, he deserves this more than me i can’t afford a fancy holiday but he never complains. We would love this opportunity

  25. Hi. Would love to review. My husband loves camping I like being in a cabin so you will have two different perspectives. And our children, especially our nearly 6 year old, loves being busy and exploring.

  26. Hi. Would love to review. My husband loves camping I like being in a cabin so you will have two different perspectives. And our children, especially our nearly 6 year old, loves being busy and exploring.

  27. First time mum in queensland, my family and i havent been on a holiday in god knows how long, my partner has another son to his previous partner, who at this moment is refusing to ket him have any contact with him.
    This little holiday would be a god sent for us, i struggle everyday, and so does my partner, but we do everthing possible to have happy kids so thats all that matters.

    Doing this holiday and review thing would be fun and relaxing, so please pick me and my family.

  28. This would be amazing..we would love to review any accommodation..we are truthful..and would tell you the good and the bad points with this accommodation..pick us

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